The brotherhood of old mod I know this is very old, but I found out the ID for Arquens second clue for the people who can't find the clue in the Markarth sanctuary, it is 4B02292E. This is useful if you want to bring her along as a follower but don't want to finish the mod yet. in case he does not return to his old form. Attempted to fix a bug in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" where the assassin would be dead before you got there in certain circumstances, resulting in the mod being uncompletable. Last edited by Grathagis ; Jul 29, 2014 @ 9:45am. Varro: "My wife is a WHORE! Fixed an issue in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" where Aerin would get stuck on a rock and not follow you to the Fringe Sanctum. Taking place after the final quest in the original Dark Brotherhood questline, this 24 quest epic will take you all across the land of Skyrim, as you try and rebuild the Brotherhood and strengthen it against future attacks. Defeat comes when: a recruit is killed, or if he gives up or falls off the platform. Made some visual changes to some of the cells/levels. Log in to view your list of favourite games. The Crossword Solver found 55 answers to "Brotherhood", 15 letters crossword clue. He should no longer just stand around doing nothing. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, This page was last updated on 20 January 2023, 9:53PM. Monk's Friend ============ Miscellaneous Fixes & Changes ============. It is now facing the right way in the inventory. Save first. In addition to being a cleaner, more modern solution, this fixed an issue where when she was told to wait, she would never be able to follow you again. Not compatible with any mods that make major story changes to the Dark Brotherhood after the main Dark Brotherhood questline. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Made some visual changes to the Chamber of Sorrows. She chooses Segovax and in celebration of this, Ilithyia and Lucretia have a massage together in the villa. The proper person to credit is Tom Tesoro and our official links are as follows: Nexus Mods: - Xbox One: If you wish to use any assets in this mod, please contact me. Moved the Fringe Sanctum slightly off to the side of its previous location. Added a failsafe for the cutscene in the quest "Forgotten Memory" where it was possible for the player to get stuck in it. Will you be silent or cryptic, letting others fill in the gaps? In fact, removed this line entirely. All lines now sound more balanced and are better quality. You now speak to Nazir first. Adjusted dialogue in the quest "Sibling Rivalry" to reflect changes in the following quest. Fixed an issue in the quest "An Orc Walks into a Bar" where Azuk would leave the Silver-Blood Inn prematurely, causing the quest to break. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Added some missing audio files, voiced using xVASynth. Set the NPCs inside the Abandoned Shack to be disabled when the mod starts. This 24 quest epic will take you all across the land of Skyrim, as you Adjusted Vala's speech options in the quest "An Orc Walks into a Bar" when you're talking about how to rescue Azuk. Moved the Thalmor key to a key peg instead of in a chest. Fixed an issue in "Two Souls, One Destiny" where Vala would not lie down in the proper spot and just walked around, ruining the scene. Race Made the witch actually summon the draugr that fights for her instead of teleporting them in with a script. Made the Khajiit twins awake during the beginning of "The Cults of Darkness" since them being asleep just seemed to break things. Made Vala become a follower during the quest "A Haunting Echo" instead of after the final quest; which means you can now take her with you during the mod instead of after it. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Markarth sanctuary have password, but its quite empty too. Fixed an issue where it was possible for the quest to not progress after the theif was killed. Also, the UV mapping on it was terrible, so I fixed that too and gave it a new texture. 3) I wonder if this guy near Riften could be rectruited or fightning is only option 4) Second clue is really hard to find. Made the poison in "A Breath of Fresh Air" more potent and made the theif weaker. August 4, 2020. Fixed an issue in the custom marriage quest where you had the option to complete the ceremony before it started. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Download and manage all your collections within Vortex, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. He declares that he doesn't care for the men but since Crixus is no longer the Champion of the House he has no right to give orders to anyone instead follow them. It will now be on a table instead of in a chest. No Recast Rowley Eardwulf and the two Penitus Oculatus agents at the Inn of Lost Souls. Replaced the sign outside of the Inn of Lost souls with a better mesh and a new texture, complete with havok behavior. It now looks better, and fits better in the hand. Location Temporarily replaced the Silver-Blood Inn with a custom one during a portion of the quest "An Orc Walks Into A Bar" to avoid issues. Made some of Vala's comment lines only play once. Made it so that non-DB followers can't accompany you inside the new Sanctuaries. In the bathing rooms, Spartacus sits in thought until being caught off guard and attacked by Segovax. However, they have received their mark under pretenses that true Gladiators consider unworthy, and are therefor treated no better than a recruit. Attemped to fix Azuk's AI when he arrives at the Dawnstar sanctuary. Fixed grammatical errors in quest journals. Fixed an issue where the innkeeper in the Inn of Lost Souls would sleep in any bed he wanted to. ", Spartacus: "You'd kill a fellow Gaul, to save a man you hate?" Fixed the broken collision on the languorwine antidote bottle. Disabled Cicero during conversations with the Night Mother. Fixed an issue where the Crimson Scars were enabled inside the Falkreath Sanctuary before they should have been. This article is about theSpartacusepisode of this name. Drastically lowered the levels of some way too highly leveled bosses. Set the slaughterfish outside of the Abandoned Shack to be disabled when the mod starts because you cannot fast travel when they're nearby, and more often than not, they're just an annoyance. He can buy items for himself and whores when he wants. Fixed an issue with the target in the abandoned shack during the quest "A Family That Kills Together" would never get disabled after he was no longer in use. Added a brand new rare book to the Dawnstar Sanctuary titled "The Dark Brotherhood - A Historical Account" which can be found in the sleeping quarters on the table in the corner among the ruined books. Possibly fixed an issue where it was possible for Percius Crito to get turned into dust if a raise dead spell was cast on him. Fixed an issue where the quest would not progress if Arine is not the one to land the killing blow on the theif. This knowledge leads Crixus to challenge Spartacus to a duel, with Batiatus watching. Gave surnames to various NPCs that didn't have them. Fixed an issue with the main game quest "Diplomatic Immunity" being broken by the Dead Drop quest at the Thalmor Embassy if you have not done the main game quest first. Ashur tells him that since he has not fought in the arena, he will not be rewarded any coin, and that this will continue to happen so long as his wounds do not heal. Broke up Wulf Aerius's journal into volumes. Lucretia remains worried. Late in the conversation, Licinia requests that Spartacus be brought before them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. "(The other gladiators laugh.) Replaced the Black Hand robe texture in the LE version with the one from the SSE version because for some reason the LE version was still using the terrible old one. Disabled the witch's notes until the stage in the quest when they are needed. A player could easly walk into sanctuary and possibly break questline----Minor: 1) Cicero (if spared in vanillia questline) is poorly . Moved the Fringe Sanctum slightly off to the side of its previous location. The Lanista will purchase the most fearsome and most powerful looking slaves to come to their ludus for training. Made Alisanne Dupre look more like her official TES Legends artwork. ", Spartacus: "Do not forget why you are here, Varro. Moa Chiin Jul 29, 2014 @ 9:48am. The Brotherhood of Old by Tom Tesoro: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition 2016 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Shop the Zero Period Productions store Skyrim Mods: The. For the term, see "The Brotherhood". Here, he is met by Solonius. Fixed an issue where Vala would mention Cicero if he was not present. Swapped the order in which you first speak with Nazir and Babette in the quest "Rebirth". Crixus: "I did not save Spartacus. Disabled all NPCs inside the Thalmor Embassy during Dead Drop 5 to avoid starting Diplomatic Immunity. #1. Fixed an issue in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" where you couldn't select initial dialogue prompts for some NPCs. Fixed compatibility issues with the Bittercup creation. Revised and re-recorded Hroldar's dialogue in "The Taste of Blood" and "An Orc Walks into a Bar". It wasn't working at all before but now it is. ============ The Dastardly Duo Fixes & Changes ============. In the last update, I made it so she could become a follower much earlier on, but it turned out to be causing compatibility issues with some of the mod's quests. Crixus reassures her that she alone occupy his thoughts. They now provide more details about what you have done. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Added combat sounds, greetings, etc for M'Jirra. Recast Rowley Eardwulf and the two Penitus Oculatus agents at the Inn of Lost Souls. Replaced the Black Hand robe texture in the LE version with the one from the SSE version because for some reason the LE version was still using the terrible old one. Along the way, she tells him of her feelings of jealously towards his relationship with Lucretia. These new lines are completely AI generated, but sound passable enough. ============ Miscellaneous Fixes & Changes ============. This will make the quest fail. Made it so that non-DB followers can't accompany you inside the new Sanctuaries. Moved the encounter with Clendil in "The Cults of Darkness" to the inside of the Fringe Sanctum. (Oops). "Mark of the Brotherhood" is the eighth episode of Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Initates will face gladiators based on skill level. Fixed an issue where quest markers would not show up for Babette. Fixed script errors that popped up in the last version. The Brotherhood of Old is a quest mod for Skyrim, taking place after the final quest in the original Dark Brotherhood questline. Fixed a conflict with Live Another Life in the Thalmor Embassy. After their orientation, the recruits must train as intensely as the brotherhood does in order to show enough skill to match that of the gladiators who have trained for years. Fixed an issue where one of the male Dark Brotherhood Initiates in the Winterhold Sanctuary had a female voice. Batiatus purchases a fresh lot of slaves during an auction to be trained as gladiators and ponders the idea of selling Crixus. Yes Vala should now return to her house outside Solitude after the final quest. Human Fixed an issue in the quest "An Orc Walks into a Bar" where the armor-set reward could be obtained regardless of the choice made. Moved Oleen-Tei to the cellar of The Frozen Hearth in Winterhold for compatibility with city overhauls. Changed Vala's hair to something more high resolution. Added a failsafe for the cutscene in the quest "Forgotten Memory" where it was possible for the player to get stuck in it. Search Reddit posts and comments - see average sentiment, top terms, activity per day and more Drastically reduced the size of the Fringe Sanctum, removing the large portion of blocked off sections from early development that are no longer in use. Made changes to dialogue in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" to make the player less all-knowing. This sanctuary was mentioned but not exist, as it was removed early on during development. Up on the balcony, Ilithyia watches in delight, expressing an interest in the gladiatorial world. For the term, see "The Brotherhood". Brotherhood Crossword Clue. Changed all of the NPC death scripts to account for deaths that aren't at the hands of the player. I got a few quests into it and WAS really enjoying it. 'Author changed their permission instructions. Down in the ludus, the gladiators are having a meal. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; best perks for running killer dbd. Fixed compatibility issues with the Bittercup creation. Any songs, doohickeys, or what-nots shown are part of the original game and shown as entertainment. Revised the player dialogue options when talking to Nazir and Babette in "Rebirth" so that it doesn't look like your character just knows things for no reason. Skyrim Special Edition Mods Quests and Adventures The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continued The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continued Endorsements 6,686 Unique DLs 176,262 Total DLs 389,514 Total views 924,974 Version 1.1.2 Download: Manual 18 items Last updated 06 September 2022 12:01AM Original upload 17 February 2018 3:59AM Fixed an issue where the courier would give you the Dead Drop starting note but you would not get a notification about it. Removed the requirement to read the note from the Night Mother for the quest to progress. brotherhood of old markarth sanctuary clue. Fixed an issue in the quest "An Orc Walks into a Bar" where Vala would have an interaction with Irbran that she wasn't supposed to have unless you picked the acting route of the quest. Added new unique meshes and textures for the already existing bonus items, such as Shadowhunt and Cruely's Heart. He also attempts to bribe Ashur into warning him if Batiatus intends to seek reprisal against him. Fixed an issue in the quest "Forgotten Memory" where the Lich's voice files were missing. Fixed an issue in the quest "The True Brotherhood" where the quest would not progress if a certain NPC did not die. It uses the pest poison mesh from a thieves guild quest, which apparently Bethesda never gave proper collision to, so it rolled around all over the place instead of sitting like a normal potion bottle should. Replaced the Inn of Lost Souls outer trap door with the new cellar door mesh. The Brotherhood of Old is a quest mod for Skyrim, taking place after the final quest in the original Dark Brotherhood questline. Fixed a minor issue in the quest "Baby Steps" which caused the quest to be unfinishable. Fixed an issue where Vala would go to sleep before she was told to. The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Old School RuneScape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Broke up Wulf Aerius's journal into volumes. Attempted to fix an issue in the quest "The True Brotherhood" where everyone would just stand around at the end instead of returning home. Fixed spelling errors in Wulf Aerius's journals. Brother Omad's riddle involves the prime number sequence, with the prefix of 1 before each number (12, 13, 15, 17, 111, 113, 117, 119, 123). Fixed the main game quest "Diplomatic Immunity" starting inside the Thalmor Embassy if you haven't completed it yet. Not compatible with any mods that move the location of the Night Mother. ============ Forgotten Memory Fixes & Changes ============, Attempted to fix an issue a select number of people reported where the Night Mother was not spawning during the quest "Forgotten Memory", Attempted to fix an issue a select number of people reported where nothing was happening after speaking to Banus Alor during the quest "Forgotten Memory". They now provide more details about what you have done. Previously he started speaking on his way to the room, which was not the intention. Finally replaced the Mephala statue in the Fringe Sanctum thanks to Mandragorasprouts' excellent work. Finally, I've been waiting a long time :D. Veezara is my homie so I use a mod that lets him live, will that mess with anything? Fixed an issue in the Winterhold Sanctuary where some of the dead Skeletons weren't following Havok behavior properly. It is the eighth episode in the Spartacus series overall. Fixed an issue in the quest "What Remains" where the Markarth objective continually pointed to the Black Door, causing confusion. Removed old and unused script properties from quests. Brother Omad is a monk in the Monastery south of Ardougne. Replaced going to Purewater Run in "An Orc Walks into a Bar" with a custom cave nearby called Smuggler's Hollow. Sand? Fixed an issue in "The Cults of Darkness" where Clendil would show up without any clothes on. In addition to being a cleaner, more modern solution, this fixed an issue where when she was told to wait, she would never be able to follow you again. Fixed an issue in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" where you couldn't select initial dialogue prompts for some NPCs. Made some visual changes to the Chamber of Sorrows. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Swapped the text from the Markarth and Winterhold clues. I'd sort of expect it not to since he is supposed to be dead so he would theoretically just be ignored, but I was just wondering if my assumption was wrong. He passes by Crixus' cell, which alarms him as the latter calls out to him. Fixed an issue where Undil could be triggered into speaking if hit with any kind of attack instead of just the Night's Shade dagger. Made the 3 Khajiit help friends and allies, so they will no longer just sit there and watch as their friend gets murdered. Fixed an issue where the Shadowhunt reward would have a spell glow effect on it when held when it shouldn't have. "Segovax: "Victories in the arena and freedom.". Fixed a minor issue in the quest "Baby Steps" which caused the quest to be unfinishable. Fixed the broken collision on the languorwine antidote bottle. Unfortunately, generally half of the recruits ever make it to become members of the brotherhood and only one will live his life as a gladiator. Revised Irbran's dialogue in the quest "An Orc Walks Into A Bar" complete with new lines and redone vocals. I forgot to do it when I remade it. Added reward items for completing the bonus conditions in quests, instead of just getting more gold. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Previously the armor was not being properly removed from the chest, causing the player to be able to take it even if it was given away. Turns out the issue was because it was packed in the BSA. Adjusted the scene in "The Cults of Darkness" where everyone meets in the torture chamber so that Nazir only starts talking when he gets to the room. This 24 quest epic will take you all across the land of Skyrim, as you try and rebuild the Brotherhood and strengthen it against future attacks. Broke up Arquen's journal into volumes and hid them in the abandoned sanctuaries. Release date Moved the Markarth clue to an easier to find location after MUCH complaining. However, she proposes that he show Batiatus that his "time has not passed" as a gladiator. Will the Brotherhood fail under you, or will you make Sithis proud? She is unsatisfied with his "performance", but remains hopeful of his full recovery. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Later that night, Ilithyia watches as Segovax, now castrated, becomes crucified for his action. The Brotherhood of Old - Addressing a few things I am Tom Tesoro, creator of the mod The Brotherhood of Old, and I would like to address a few things for the community. She will now properly adddress you by race. Lessened the frequency in which TBO loading screens show up. ============ Rebirth Fixes & Changes ============. Adjusted the conditions required for the courier to spawn in "Rebirth" to help with possible issues where he doesn't show up. Added Museum shipping crate outside of the Inn of Lost Souls (location in TBO), enables with the rest of the inn crates. Ilithyia tells her that once she tells her friends of the news of her owning a gladiator, her friends will be jealous, and among them will be Licinia. All credit should be given to the original creators of the content. Brother Omad is the solution to the Hard anagram clue: Motherboard. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Also made some adjustments to this interaction to make it flow better. Made it so Medora can only be killed when she's supposed to be. How will you deal with these new Brothers and Sisters? Also made some adjustments to this interaction to make it flow better. In the infirmary, theMedicuspredicts to Batiatus that Crixus' wounds will not fully heal for another fortnight or two. Swapped the order in which you first speak with Nazir and Babette in the quest "Rebirth". Those that lose and live are sent to the mines. False Gladiator, Gladiator, Veteran Gladiator, Champion and Doctore. Drastically lowered the levels of some way too highly leveled bosses. The two of you would present challenge equal to piss and shit." Fixed an issue in the quest "Sibling Rivalry" where Vala could say a certain dialogue line over and over again. Replaced the sign outside of the Inn of Lost souls with a better mesh and a new texture, complete with havok behavior. Members only? Fixed conflicts with the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. -- The Brotherhood of Old - Version 1.0 Changelog --. Fixed the video because it wasn't playing in Special Edition. Its non existent and no quest marker. Naevia approaches him, warning him of Batiatus' possible plan in selling him to Vibius. You dishonor your own wife" Re-wrote and rerecorded Allian Mede's dialogue in "Rebirth". Completely reworked Vala's follower actions to follow the "Creating Custom Follower Framework" by CrEaToXx, Matthiaswag and Jac. Made the 3 Khajiit part of the Markarth crime faction, so you will get a bounty from attacking and/or killing them. Fixed the inventory model for the Languorwine Blade. 28 May 2002 (Update) Fixed a major bug in the quest "Forgotten Memory" caused by the most recent SSE conversion. Fixed an issue where Azuk would not pick up the skull in Smuggler's Hollow. Fixed a ground seam gap in the Winterhold Sanctuary. Fixed an issue where Babette was wearing the male version of the Black Hand Robes. Previously there was an issue where he would not automatically speak to you because he would be standing too far away from the trigger radius, which caused you to have to speak to him manually. Gender Fleshed out the journal entries for the quests. It is hinted throughout the series that, although Batiatus' stock of gladiators is considered to be smaller than most other ludus', his gladiators are significantly more skilled. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Made the Khajiit twins awake during the beginning of "The Cults of Darkness" since them being asleep just seemed to break things. Wereley Gaming is simply a video game channel dedicated to providing people with entertaining videos on video games. The Brotherhood of Old - multiple quest-breaking glitches Hello, I downloaded The Brotherhood of Old because it seemed really cool and I like the Dark Brotherhood. He should no longer just stand around doing nothing. Attempted to fix an issue in the quest "An Orc Walks into a Bar" where Azuk was not showing up inside Cidhna Mine in certain instances. Past and present gladiators are listed. I forgot to do it when I remade it. Renamed the quest "A Dream and a Dagger" to "Rebirth". The champion of the ludus is given his own larger cell outside the prison, right by the training area. Fixed an issue where Delvin could charge you for sanctuary upgrades over and over again. Set Vala's Black Hand outfit to have no hood. Scrollo up to look for it in the list presented (pgup/pgdn). #2. Fixed the Morag Tong assassin in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" just standing there when combat starts. This surprises Lucretia, who tries to remind Batiatus of the gladiator's worth. Fixed an issue where the Shadowhunt reward would have a spell glow effect on it when held when it shouldn't have. Duro: "Fucking Romans fill the legends to their advantage. Made Oleen-Tei stick around after "A Breath of Fresh Air" to become a merchant that sells his unique poison. If you do it with brackets youz are able to check words with space eg: help <"word+word+word">. The Brotherhood of Old is a quest mod for Skyrim, taking place after the final quest in the original Dark Brotherhood questline. v5.0.0 of TCC requires a new game, so this will not be useable on existing saves. "Spartacus: "Your cause? Made changes to dialogue in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" to make the player less all-knowing. The entrance will only be added to your map once you have completed With Friends Like These.Prior to this you are able to find the door, however the location will not appear on your map and the correct answer to the question is . Set the slaughterfish outside of the Abandoned Shack to be disabled when the mod starts because you cannot fast travel when they're nearby, and more often than not, they're just an annoyance. Code consists of 8 numbers and letters. He will now patrol the area rather than just stand around. Fixed conflicts with the unofficial patch. You initiate the following with M'Jirra and J'Zakar tags along. It now looks better, and fits better in the hand. ============ A Family that Kills Together Fixes & Changes ============. This sanctuary was mentioned but not exist, as it was removed early on during development. Disabled all NPCs inside the Thalmor Embassy during Dead Drop 5 to avoid starting Diplomatic Immunity. ============ Child of Darkness Fixes & Changes ============. Hello, so im at Markarth sanctuary where i am supposed find the second clue. With the first 10 prime numbers being 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and the final being 29, leading to the answer of 129. Attempted to fix a bug in the quest "The Cults of Darkness" where the assassin would be dead before you got there in certain circumstances, resulting in the mod being uncompletable. Crixus soon backs down but warns Spartacus to watch his back making it clear the rivalry between the two has greatly increased. Re-added some missing dialogue for Undil that were left out of the last release. Made the 3 Khajiit part of the Markarth crime faction, so you will get a bounty from attacking and/or killing them. Spartacuscontinues to build a legend upon himself in the arena, winning battle after battle. Re-wrote and rerecorded Allian Mede's dialogue in "Rebirth". Compatible with Save the Dark Brotherhood, so long as you install and play that first seeing how it happens before the questline ends. Attempted to fix an issue in "The Cults of Darkness" where Undil casting a spell on the player can sometimes not work. Will you take the straightforward path, or will you put in a little extra effort and be rewarded proportionally? So, I just followed the first clue and found Arquen's body and ghost at the decrepit shack. Lucretia: "They are silent." Set Vala's Black Hand outfit to have no hood. Not compatible with any mods that change the way the Dark Brotherhood eviction system works (if any. Fixed several quest objectives not being marked as completed. Will you be heartless and cold, doing only what is good for the Brotherhood as a whole? You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continued Spanish, The Brotherhood of Old - Polish Translation, The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continuation - Deutsch, The Brotherhood of Old - Turkish Translation, The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continuation PT-BR, The Brotherhood of Old - Spanish Translation, The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continuation ---- traduzione italiana, The Brotherhood of Old - SPANISH - ESPANOL, The Brotherhood of Old SSE Traditional Chinese Translation, The Brotherhood of Old - SSE - Portugues Brasil.