Anyone found to be fraudulently abusing the garden waste service will be removed from the service and their bin/s removed from their property. We are open for 2023! If you pay by debit or credit card, you must renew the service every year. If you do not notify usof your change of address, we will not be able to collect your bin. Use this service if you need us to regularly collect garden waste like grass cuttings and leaves. Please do not add any extra characters or digits as this may prevent us from allocating your payment correctly. The sticker(s) we send you will be included in your welcome pack letter. To pay by Standing Order or Online Banking, contact your bank. Old accounts did not get transferred. Customers will automatically be entered into this prize draw when payment has been made. UK Shared Prosperity Fund. For information about missed bins, bulky waste, garden waste, and to request a new bin, visit: Boston Borough Council; East Lindsey District Council; City of Lincoln Council; North Kesteven . Report a missed bin collection. Lincolnshire County Council is charged by the end processor for each tonne of garden waste tipped, this is referred to as a gate fee. Victoria Road Twigs and small branches. South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership. Boston Borough Council (BBC), as also stated above, said that they introduced the "kerbside collection service for garden waste to reduce the amount of waste being taken to landfill". . Direct Debit form Capita Pay360 are now sending email receipts from a different address. One of you will need to make a payment to receive the service, it will be your decision as to whether you want to share the costs of this with your neighbour. Payment of council tax is due in statutory instalments and must be paid on or before the due date. We consulted with existing users of the service and 87.5% of respondents said that they would rather pay for the service than lose it. This is due to a system fault that has now been corrected. The charge to receive the garden waste service is 45 per annum for the first bin and 20 per annum for a second and any subsequent bins. You willreceive a written response, giving you the decision made and the reasons for that decision. Collection of additional bins - 8.00 per bin. Please contact us on 01429 523333 to inform us of your new address. Our website uses necessary cookies to assist with your use and navigation of the site. It will be a matter for you to discuss this with your neighbour. As published by Boston Borough Council itself, "In 2012 we introduced a separate kerbside collection service for garden waste to reduce the amount of waste being taken to landfill. No. If you don't have a large garden, an alternative way to deal with your garden waste is home composting. Please ensure the bin lid is closed for collection. If you sign up online this year by Sunday 30th April 2023 then you could be in with a chance of winning the years' service for FREE! If you do not have a brown bin, you should purchase one from the Council at a cost of 25 for this purpose. Those who are able to return the stickers please do so, if you are unable to do this please destroy the extra stickers. Also you can choose to pay over 12 months instead of the statutory 10. While we finish building this new website, we're keeping some online application forms on our old council websites. . We will collect your brown bin(s) 21 times a year between April and November. If you decide to join the scheme at a later date and require a replacement bin then there will be a charge. The bin will need to be placed outside of the property of the householder who has subscribed to the service. You can contact us by or by telephoning01429523333to cancel the service. You will also be charged a subscription service price per bin of 20 for any additional bins. We will issue you a new sticker which you will need to apply to your bin(s), replacing your old sticker. We are currently working on introducing a new payment system to make it more accessible and efficient for our customers. The new garden waste season for 2021/22 . As council tax is a daily charge this action could result in a credit balance on your account. You'll need to pay 55 to renew your garden waste subscription. For further information on Garden Waste collection please see this link. It was said by a member of staff at Boston Borough Council during a telephone call to a resident in Boston on 8th April 2016, that only 2000 people in the borough had been polled in regards to the brown bin emptying payment. Collections will be every alternate week throughout April 2023 until March 2024 with a break during the winter period. If you move you should take your brown bin with you. You should contact us by emailing or calling us on 01205 314200 and you can purchase a new bin at 40. Search fees. They cost 42 to buy. You will then need to pay an annual collection charge. All personal information will be processed in accordance with the current Data Protection Legislation and you have the right to see records relating to yourself and to ask that they be amended where they are inaccurate. Our opening times are changing from Monday 1 May. If you are new to the scheme for 2023, you can sign up online through card payment now where you can also purchase a new brown bin at the cost of 40. We need to ensure collected residual waste (green bin) has not been contaminated. The competition is not open to employees or members of Boston Borough Council or their immediate families. It is not permitted to share more than one bin between properties, e.g. If you are new to the service for 2023, the sticker we send you needs to be fixed firmly to the back of the bin(s) just below the handles. You will receive a letter each year detailing the amounts you must pay and the dates they are due. You might want to consider selling your bin on sites such as Facebook buy it sell it swap it, streetlife, eBay or other similar websites designed for private selling. Bidding Prospectus and Expression of interest now available. If waste is detected, the system will automatically re-lift the bin and shake it a number of times to try and empty all the waste. If you wish to make a complaint about the service, you should contact us via email at or via telephone on 01205 314200 or by completing the online form by visiting At 40, the North Kesteven Garden Waste Collection Service continues to be good value for money. Regardless of the above, you decided that in April 2016 you would put a yearly 30 charge in place for residents to have their garden waste brown bins emptied. Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 8QR. Civic Centre If you regularly have too much to fit in your bin, you may require a second garden waste bin at a cost of 20 per annum (plus the cost of the extra bin). Once you've paid, we will send out your new bin . The fixed charge applies to all households regardless of personal circumstances. There is less than one month to go until the Boston May Fair returns, where the Showman's Guild arrive to take over the Town Centre with their variety of fairground attractions. Only authorised personnel may access this information. . Car parking season tickets. Here you can pay online for some council services including: Council tax and business rates. Sign up and pay via a one-off online card payment. Not all properties in Hartlepool are suitable for a garden waste collection service. Unfortunately we are unable to give a refund should you decide part way through a service you no longer need it. Revenues & Benefits Telephone - 01205 314202. If you leave the area to move elsewhere during the financial year, we will close your council tax account with us on the day you move. Since the chargeable garden waste collection service was first introduced, the Council has not experienced a reportable link between the charge and an increase in fly tipping of garden waste. Welcome to Boston Borough Council's 24 hour online payments service. If you are still unhappy, you can ask for your case to be referred to the council tax ombudsman. If your bin is due to be collected, leave it out as usual. On these occasions, we will ask you to free up the waste to make sure it is all loose and then present the bin at your next collection. Sign up now! Your service begins once you have paid your annual fee. If you sign up part way through the season, you will still be charged the same fee. No. Swale Borough Council. severe weather. Email Us - We will regularly check our system with crew information and in-cab technology to verify bins which are shared between property locations and we reserve the right to reject and not empty of service any additional bins which we have reason to believe are shared outside the terms and conditions. Your card details are stored on a server behind a secure firewall. If we do this, we will notify you providing details of when your new collections will be. Plants. The charge for collection remains at 45 to empty a single bin, the same as last year, and there is a one-off charge of 25 per bin for new customers and those who want an extra one. We will not provide a service to your new address in any circumstances unless you notify us of your change of address. The chargein 2023 is 32for 8 collections. The report covered Blue and Green bin replacement charges only. We reserve the right to cancel collections due to circumstances beyond our control e.g. You may make a variety of payments using this secure site with most major credit or debit cards. You think a mistake has been made in calculating your bill. Boston Market UK is again this year joining other markets across the country taking part in Love Your Local Market. No, but you can transfer your subscription to your new property. Councillor Boden presented the report to Council to seek approval for the Anglian Revenues Partnership (ARP) entering into a Section 113 agreement with Lincolnshire County Council (to include Boston Borough Council, City of Lincoln Council, East Lindsey District Council, West Lindsey District Council, South Kesteven District Council, North . We do not receive any income from the sale of compost, we only collect it as the Waste Collection Authority. Theology Courses Philippines, Boston College Hockey Coaches History, Mr Incredible And Pals Disney Plus, Spring Cleaning Shawl, Student Visa Usa Covid, Swarmy Urban Dictionary, Eastern Hockey League Champions, Ripple Relax Vape, These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. If you die during the period you have paid for the service, then a refund for the annual service charge will be made to your estate, or to an individual who has been granted probate. Welcome to the Boston Council 24 hour secure Internet payments service. For 2023, we will collect your garden waste on alternate weeks, either on your green bin week or recycling bin week, between week commencing 03 April 2023 and week commencing 24 November 2023.Your garden waste collection will then resume 19 February 2024 until 31 . Yes, but there will be a charge. Grass cuttings, leaves, hedge and shrub trimmings, weeds and plants can all go in the brown bin. Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 8QR. No refund will be given. Unfortunately we cannot give a refund to someone else without satisfying the necessary legal requirements. We are responsible for the sweeping, litter picking and general cleansing of our land and public adopted highways, including emptying litter and dog waste bins and removing dead animals. Our website uses necessary cookies to assist with your use and navigation of the site. Top tip: To try prevent grass cuttings from getting stuck at the bottom of the bin you can place a small amount of newspaper in the bottom of your bin as a liner. The Lincolnshire EfW plant was fully operational from March 2014 and treats up to 190,000 tonnes of residual waste, diverting it from landfill and exporting 105,000 MWh of electricity in the process. Planning on moving house. Simply complete the Direct Debit form (PDF) [793KB] and returning it to us by email or post. We have worked hard to ensure that the costs of the service are as low as possible so that we can provide you with an alternative, efficient and effective way of disposing of your garden waste. Fly-tipping is a criminal offence with a maximum fine of 50,000, offenders can also receive a custodial sentence. These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. Customers who have received multiple yellow stickers will only be charged for the service they have requested. South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership. To find out when your bin collections are due go to The refund will be pro-rata from the next whole month after the date of your death. If you already receive helpin the way of assisted collections, you will automatically get help with your garden waste bin when you subscribe. New brown bins are available in 240L and 140L sizes. For example: If you are unhappy with the way you have been charged or do not feel you have received a satisfactory answer to a previous enquiry, you should write to us with all the relevant details, so we have the opportunity to reconsider the case. The Council's terms and conditions are as follows: That you place appropriate garden waste into your brown bin. Bereavement services. This offer covers the collection of one bin free of charge for one year. Our crews will not attempt to free up waste stuck in the bin. We also recommend you report the theft to Lincolnshire Police on 101. These are private arrangements and we are unable to be involved in this. Lincolnshire County Council as the Waste Disposal Authority is responsible for the disposal of garden waste. We will collect your brown bin (s) 21 times a year between April and November. Talk of waste! If your original brown bin is damaged through your neglect or misuse or by wear and tear e.g. The garden waste subscription charge for 2023/24 is 35 for the emptying of one brown bin fortnightly. If you have presented your bin for collection by 5.30am on the morning of your collection and we genuinely miss this, we will return to collect your bin as soon as operationally possible. If you have already paid for the collection service, you will not need to pay for this again and we will send you outa new sticker. If you do not have access to the internet, you can also call us on 01205 314200 and pay over the phone with our customer service team. Simply complete the Yes, we are not able to empty bins which have not been supplied by us. You should clean this area thoroughly with hot soapy water and allow it to dry before you apply your sticker. You will pay the Council an amount of 45 for a first bin of garden waste collected . You should use your existing brown bin. Your brown bin(s) must only be used for garden waste from your property, or from that of a neighbour's property if you are sharing one bin. If subsequent bins are paid for, they will be charged at 20 per bin. Click below to find out more about the help available from the Council and other organisations. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. We will empty brown bins displaying a valid sticker 20 times alternate weekly between March and November, but we do not empty brown bins during December and January. and returning it to us by email or post. Outside of office hours you may email the credit control team. Your sticker(s) may take up to 10 working days to arrive. 34 for an additional bin. La personne qui a lanc cette ptition a dcid d'agir. Each of these companies process your information and are bound by contract to meet their Data Privacy obligations. In view of this please ensure that any garden waste is loose in your bin and not overly compact, that you do not overfill it and that is not overweight. That works out at just 2.25 per single bin collection - or, spread over a year just .87 pence a week. As part of its 2023/24 budget, theCouncil has agreed a package of measures to address thesituation. If you have received a Boston Borough Council invoice, and the Invoice reference number starts with a letter, for example W,B,R,L, then please can you use the 'All Other . The refund will be pro-rata from the next whole month after the date of death. To ensure that your collections continue you must contact us to transfer the service to your new address. If your bin becomes damaged via the collection process we will repair or replace it free of charge, as soon as is reasonably practical, on one occasion. It reads: We are aware that some of our garden waste customers have received multiple yellow stickers in the post. Housing benefit overpayments. If your bin is damaged, email us to report it at or contact us on 01205 314200. If you do not have a brown bin, you should purchase one from the Council at a cost of 40 for this purpose. Borough and Parish Elections are to take place across the Borough of Boston on Thursday 4 May 2023. If your bin becomes damaged by us as a result of our neglect or incorrect handling or by defective equipment, we will either repair it or replace it free of charge as soon as is reasonably practical. Updates to your garden waste service will be publicised on the Boston Borough Council website, social media and the local press. Only loose, compostable garden waste may be placed in the garden waste bin. We may reject bins if any of these conditions are not met. Please contact us on 01429523333 and we will arrange for your bin to be booked in to be repaired free of charge. We also do not accept garden waste as side waste alongside your bin. Bins collections are managed by your district, borough or city council. Borough and Parish Elections are to take place across the Borough of Boston on Thursday 4 May 2023. Boston Borough is set to benefit from 2.62million of new funding through UKSPF and REPF. To find your Councillor or to view minutes, meetings and agendas please visit the North Yorkshire Council website. Once you have signed up to our service, you will automatically be entered into the prize draw. It is our practice to regularly assess levels of service take-up and cost-recovery, with a further review scheduled next year. Only householders that have subscribed will have their brown bins emptied from April 2023. At that time, we asked for a one-off payment to cover the cost of purchasing a brown bin. If your missed collection is our fault then we will always make an effort to collect your bin as soon as possible. Bin charges:New and/or replacement bins will be charged at 40 each. Boston Borough Council will operate as normal during May's Bank Holiday bonanzas. For this reason, it isfelt that introducing a charge is fair, as the service will only be used by those households that wish to subscribe. When payment has been made for the garden waste service, you will receive one sticker for each bin you have paid for. Please contact us for further information. If you subscribe part way through the year the full charge will still apply. You should use your existing brown bin. If a green bin is found to contain garden waste, it will be rejected and will not be emptied. You can report a missed bin by emailing or calling 01205 314200. The cost for this service is: 43 for your first garden waste (brown) bin. boston borough council brown bin payment. Here, weanswer somecommonlyasked questions about the new Garden Waste Subscription Service. You have agreed for Boston Borough Council to collect your garden waste and to comply with the Council's terms and conditions below in respect of this service. Your bin will need to be presented for 7.30am on the day of collection. We'd also like to set optional analytics cookies to enable us to analyseuse of our products and services using Google Analytics in order to help us improve it. If you want to create a new account you can use our help page to guide you. Leaves. All bins should be out at the designated collection point for 7.30am on your collection day. This will cover garden waste collections made between 3 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. All councils are currently being affected bysignificant inflationary pressures, including higher energy bills. If you pay for more than one bin to be serviced, you will need to apply a sticker to each bin. Other bin queries. One resident wrote to us to say: Two weeks ago I paid the fee to have my brown garden waste bin emptied and received the bin sticker and eight double sides of printed pages of information to go with it. National World Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. For example HP19 8FF. If we hold bank details for you any monies due to you will be returned by BACS, if not then a cheque will be issued usually within 10 days of your account being closed. You can use your existing brown bin or there is a 40 charge for the purchase of a new bin. Collections at the new property cannot commence, however, until the sticker has been removed from the bin at the previous property. This information is needed to ensure your bin is serviced and our crews return your bin to the right property. The transfer of service to a third party where the third party is living at a different address is not permitted. You can also give us a call on 01205 314200 or emailing us. No. Did you know you can manage your profile, and explore all of the available newsletters from LincolnshireWorld within your account. If we agree a bin was missed, we will do our best to collect it as soon as operationally possible. If you decide to purchase the service part way through the year, the cost will still be 45 for the collection of one bin and 20 for each addition bin, with payment being due again the following February. We monitor fly-tipping incidents and take action where necessary. If the bin is damaged through neglect or misuse, e.g. If payment is not made by the date due for any reason, we will withdraw your service. If you move to another address in the Boston Borough area, you can take your brown bin(s) with you. Our website uses necessary cookies to assist with your use and navigation of the site. Borough and Parish Elections are to take place across the Borough of Boston on Thursday 4 May 2023. We won't move your brown garden waste bin for you. Green-fingered residents pay 30 a year to have their bins collected and in order for refuse collectors to identify those who have paid they are issued with stickers to place on the bins. Our vehicles are equipped with CCTV monitoring equipment, which can be used to confirm whether a bin was presented in time. Please note that to be entered into the draw, you will need to sign up online on or before Sunday 30th April 2023. The chargewill commence in April 2023, and we will begin to take payment from residents who wish to participate in the scheme in advance of this date. We can often amend some of our collection routes which may mean the time your bin gets emptied will be different to your usual time of collection. Garden waste must be loose contained wholly within the bin with the lid firmly closed. Allow five working days for your payment to reach us. Look to see if a tag has been placed on your bin or check online . The compost produced from your garden waste is sold by the end processor and has a variety of uses in the horticultural and agricultural sectors. Yes please grass cuttings, weeds and dead plants, twigs and small branches, hedge clippings, cut flowers and house plants, shrub prunings, leaves and the contents of hanging baskets. If you bin hasnt been emptied it may be because it contains the wrong items or its too heavy. As part of its 2023/24 budget, the Council has agreed a package of measures to address the situation. These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. The budget report had been taken through the Corporate and Community Committee on the 17 th January . Alternatively, if you are the bank account holder, call us on 01205314200. These optional cookies won't be set unless you enable them. We will also not be able to replace any bins which we damage if you buy your own bin. You can also take your garden waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Bittern Way, Wyberton for free. We ask that if you regularly generate more garden waste than your bin(s) can cope with, then you might want to consider purchasing another bin. Direct Debit is simple, convenient and a secure way to pay. Boston Borough is set to benefit from 2.62million of new funding through UKSPF and REPF. Buying a bin. Your garden waste collections will then resume 19 February 2024 until 31 March 2024. Bidding Prospectus and Expression of interest now available. For 2023, we will collect your garden waste on alternate weeks, either on your green bin week or recycling bin week, between week commencing 03 April 2023 and week commencing 24 November 2023.Your garden waste collection will then resume 19 February 2024 until 31 March 2024. It was said by a member of staff at Boston Borough Council during a telephone call to a resident in Boston on 8th April 2016, that only 2000 people in the borough had been polled in .