Reader Q&A, Yet the issue the Bombing plane Mafia was attempting to fix has both physics as well as moral angles. A third hit the bombardier in the head and shoulder. His latest book, The Bomber Mafia, deals primarily with the philosophies of bombing during World War II, and has not become a best seller at least not yet. We could have surrounded their ports, mined their harbors, Japan has no energy natural resources, that is why they invaded Maylaysia and the Borneo oil fields. Talking to Strangers is a classically Gladwellian intellectual adventure, a challenging and controversial excursion through history, psychology, and scandals taken straight from the news. Hes more of an intellectual explorer than a disciplined academic. The Bomber Mafia His scorched-earth philosophy was most evident in the indiscriminate firebombings of Tokyo in 1945 that left an estimated 100,000 civilians dead. Why were the North Vietnamese such a powerful force, because they were colonized for generations and their cities were being carpet bombed by B52s from 40,000, if you kill someones family you should prepare to face their relatives. Something is very wrong, Gladwell argues, with the tools and strategies we use to make sense of people we dont know. A fifth severed the rudder cables. The unexpected hero of Gladwells story is Curtis LeMay yes, that one, the general who firebombed Tokyo and dozens of other Japanese cities and then, decades later, supposedly advocated bombing the Vietnamese back into the Stone Age. A sixth hit the number 3 engine, setting it on fire. By stream the moral challenges of modern american history. Just how wrong was I, however in a blink of an eye I had a book I could not take down. By clicking Sign Up, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to Hachette Book Groups Privacy Policy While one is a celebrated hero, the other was an idealist whose concepts allowed him to be sidelined in the annals of background. [18][19][20] James McConnachie of The Times stated "for a book that is not a war story, this one is brilliantly, brilliantly told". They also complete an image analysis section and create two propaganda posters from different . This is a preview of the digital audiobook of The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell, available on at The brief Conclusion looks at the bigger picture this story tells about the use of technology. Sen. Amy Klobuchar Talks the G7 Summit. Block buster films have actually made World War II seem even more actual and technically skilled in all things armed forces yet this book was needed for me to grasp the relevance of war in the 1940s. [15] At the time the book was released, a modern B-2 Stealth Bomber could approach a target without being detected on radar from 40,000 feet in altitude. The imposter foods ought to additionally be moved up on the bomb listing. But when Gladwell leaps to provide superlative assessments, or draws broad lessons of history from isolated incidents, he makes me wary. The second is that Japanese politicians and historians actually thanked LeMay for the campaign after the war. Along with the bombing this was a key factor in Japans decision to surrender. Everyone, generals included, hated the mass . The Bomber Mafia A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War Audio Book Free Online Download. However, the doctrine nonetheless became the foundation for the separation of the Air Force from the Army, and the basis for modern airpower theory. LeMay was allowed to kill civilians by the tens of thousands because he had a theory about morale among the populace, which never came close to a conclusion. The villain, or at least loser in this account, is another Air Force general, Haywood Hansell, who had tried to win the war in the Pacific through the precision-bombing of Japan. Almost 100 B-24 planes were lost with only minimal damage done to the ball bearing plant. Kelsey formulated a new "interceptor" class of aircraft in order to sustain his idea that a well-armed fighter aircraft could successfully attack enemy bombers, and that, given drop tanks for long range, it could defend friendly bombers all the way to the target and back.[15]. If LeMay firebombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the loss of life would have been similar as to what the atomic bombs caused without the radiation. there is a link to purchase . . How did Fidel Castro fool the CIA for a generation? The B-29s were capable of making the 3,000+ mile round trip from Guam to Japan. in the program we will take some of your questions. Wondering if someone out there has both listened to the podcast and read this book? The Bomber Mafia follows the stories of a reclusive Dutch genius and his homemade computer, Winston Churchill's forbidding best friend, a team of pyromaniacal chemists at Harvard, a brilliant pilot who sang vaudeville tunes to his crew, and the bomber commander, Curtis Emerson LeMay, who would order the bloodiest attack of the Second World War. Sort: Relevance. The strategic bombing concept, however, was a major factor in the eventual victory and became the first core doctrine of the independent United States Air Force. The British strategy was known as area bombing, which amounted to creating as much damage as possible over a wide area. If the Allied forces had been forced to invade Japan, the country likely would have been split up by the Soviets and Americans after the war, and the casualties are almost impossible to imagine. The object of war is to destroy the enemy which LeMay understood very well, their morale had nothing to do with it, and ultimately saved millions of lives on both sides due to a invasion not having to happen. The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War (Kindle Edition) Published April 27th 2021 by Little, Brown and Company Kindle Edition Author(s): Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell begins the story in the Introduction in January 1945, on the Mariana Islands. LeMay has taken over from Hansell and used napalm, resulting in markedly more success but also much greater destruction and killing of civilians. [4][5] In contrast, American theorists devised a strategy of pin-point bombing that targeted the enemy economy and the production of weapons. A fourth shell hit the cockpit, taking out the planes hydraulic system. A small number of apps may require users to copy their URL and paste it directly into the app. Kenney left ACTS in 1929, and heavy bomber doctrinarians filled the vacancy. Chapter 7 provides some background regarding the development at Harvard University of napalm, an incendiary substance that could be used in bombs to create an intense firestorm. People growing up on animations and motion pictures see planes going down bombs/shooting targets as if done through cross hairs. (For the Japanese the atom bomb was just a more effective way to bomb them, some watching they were used to.) The Bomber Mafia began as an audiobook, and later transitioned into a print book. You can pay with any major credit cards, as well as Apple Pay on iOS and Google Pay on Android. [17] In The Wall Street Journal, Yale professor Paul Kennedy praised the audiobook version of The Bomber Mafia as "remarkable" and a "work of art"; similarly, in The Times, reviewer Gerard DeGroot said "The Bomber Mafia remind[ed] [him] of a really good podcast a fascinating story is appealingly delivered", and historian Diana Preston of The Washington Post called the audiobook "innovative" for its inclusion of archival clips, music, and sound effects. This was in the 1930s, the era of the bomber, a new breed of aircraft that could supposedly drop a bomb from six miles up and land it in a pickle barrel. LeMay replaced Hansell at the end of 1944 and soon began a campaign of terror that eventually visited virtually every major city in Japan. Before they started invading China and Southeast Asia, Japan got most of its oil from the United States, which they knew was going to end when we realized what was going on. Much of the book concerns the technical and practical aspects of the Norden bombsight, in a 'grown-ups arguing' sort of way. Through Ashley Gutermuth's many military moves, she has learned to flip circumstances around to find the humor, and the President Joe Biden awarded the commander-in-chief trophy to the Air Force Academy for winning football games against its At the end of the day, "Minecraft Legends" has some compelling elements that unfortunately don't feel fleshed out. [7] This could lead to a minimum of war-time casualties with new technology such as the Norden bombsight. [1] Hansell concurred that both the theorists and the authors of the AWPD-1 war plan (of which he was both) made a serious mistake in neglecting long-range fighter escort in their ideas. The Bomber Mafia isn't an honest or earnest look at what experts have written and thought about America's air campaigns during WWII. Your email address will not be published. Curtis Lemay as well as Haywood Hansell are opposite ends of a range in the high adrenaline battle Flying force. [17] Hansell wrote: It was recognized that fighter escort was inherently desirable, but no one could quite conceive how a small fighter could have the range of the bomber yet retain its combat maneuverability. Their assurance, their journey gets provided a little bit too late for it to have any substantial bearing on the war. Please check back soon for future events. McFarland, Stephen L.; Richard P. Hallion (2008). Actually, LeMays B-29s firebombed 67 different Japanese cities with far more lives lost than the atomic bombs. Revisionist History host Malcolm Gladwell joins Dan to discuss the development of U.S. precision bombing ideas, Curtis LeMay and the firebombing of Japanese cities. Gladwell delves deep into how the Norden didnt quite deliver for Hansell in Europe and how the (as-yet-undiscovered) jetstream made it even more difficult to use in American bombing raids over Japan. What of the infinitely long nights of millions of concentration camp prisoners? I was also aware of Bomber Harris who led the fire battle on Germany, and I have actually reviewed exactly how this impacted cities like Dresden. Some apps may require users to copy their URL and paste it directly into the app. Andrews staffed the command with like-minded officers such as Henry H. "Hap" Arnold. Most military thinkers in the . But rather Russias entry into the war and their invasion into Japanese-held Manchuria. Chapter 8 resumes the narrative of the bombing campaign against Japan from the Marianas. Gen. Haywood Hansell and Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay about the best way to bomb Japan in hopes of ending the war in late 1944 and early 1945. This book once more casts an extra critical eye on this situation and outcome. Subscribe to the newsletter to have military news, updates and resources delivered straight to your inbox. The problem here was there above Japan there was a 140 mph (125 knot) jet stream, which played havoc with the bomb sight and precision bombing. Just that, with bombing plane B29s the issue is definitely a lot more intricate with visibility, weather and anti-aircraft weapons to battle with. I immediately thought, Oh yeah? [23], Several reviewers criticized the book for its accuracy, and for being light on details. Many historians posit that the primary reason for Japanese surrender was not the use of the atom bomb. The audiobook is an experience in itself, complete with sound results, music, and old interviews from the men he profiles (and also several of their battles survivors). Perfect tinder for firebombing. Did the podcast effect the way you approached the book, or understood it? by . Gladwell raises two fascinating points. [8], Although flawed and tested only under optimal conditions, the doctrine (originally known as the "industrial web theory")[9] became the primary airpower strategy of the United States in the planning for World War II. With battles airborne having the power to win you the battle, can we do accuracy battle to help reduce the casualties of war? Simply not a subject I seem out, neither do I think I would certainly have liked it as much had I review. Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. [2] The Bomber Mafia was gradually replaced in the 1950s and 1960s by advocates of intercontinental ballistic missile warfare. Later, Saville successfully implemented his ideas in the Mediterranean Theater. These Podcasts Aren't So Sure", "Presenting: The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell", "The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War", "The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell review why 'precision bombing' is an utter delusion", "Wrestling with the strategy and morality of the firebombing of Japan", "The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell, review the Outliers author on the morality of war", "Malcolm Gladwell on the Hard Decisions of War", "When Pop History Bombs: A Response to Malcolm Gladwell's Love Letter to American Air Power", "Malcolm Gladwell's The Bomber Mafia is misleading history-lite",, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 06:23. Why are campus sexual assaults on the rise? Developed over the years 19261929 at Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS) at Langley Field in Virginia, a forward-looking doctrine of daylight precision bombing was promulgated by Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell who advocated a greatly expanded role for the bomber force. Malcolm Gladwell and "The Bomber Mafia". Regardless, it was estimated that there would have been 2 MILLION American casualties had there been an invasion. Was Henry Stimson, Franklin Roosevelts secretary of war, truly responsible, more than anyone, for the extraordinary war machine that the United States built in the early years of the Second World War? Show Description. [13], Other opposition was more subtle. Why? 1. To most people, a city park is a grace note, a green space that makes urban life more livable. Malcolm Gladwell's extraordinary new book, "The Bomber Mafia," tells the story of a group of pilots who met on a muggy airbase in central Alabama and hatched a plan to revolutionize warfare. The setting is Second World War. Please take a moment to review it. If youre an audiobook listener, thats the version to choose. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The book is adapted from a series of podcasts Gladwell created for his show . Haywood Hansell won the war. The evidence for this, of course, is the ability of todays stealthy radar-evading bombers to drop ordnance from great heights and have them guided to precise points on a given target say, a hardened aircraft hangar or an enemy intelligence agencys power system. The Listeners Guide is only available from Pushkin Industries when you buy The Bomber Mafia. When he is introducing characters and showing them in conflict, The Bomber Mafia is gripping. [2] In November 1932 when British Lord President of the Council Stanley Baldwin said "the bomber will always get through", he was talking about the terror bombing of cities. The ACTS officers who believed in the heavy bomber doctrine realized that any other Air Corps expenditures such as for tactical bombers and fighter aircraft would take away from the proposed large fleet of heavy bombers. We are excited to provide you an exclusiveListener'sGuidethat offers an inside look at the production process, archival imagery, and commentary from Malcolm and the producers and engineers involved with this extraordinaryproject. There was never going to be a land invasion of Japan, I know that that possibility was used to justify nuking them, but I also know that president Truman was not going to be the CIC that sent hundreds of thousands to die for something that patience and strategy could preclude. in History Nonfiction June 10, 2021, Malcolm Gladwell The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War Audiobook. You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with Take capers these are certainly not peas. Guide begins with a very genuine trouble. [21] In The New York Times Book Review, Thomas E. Ricks called the book "a conversational work" which he enjoyed, but noted that "when Gladwell leaps to provide superlative assessments, or draws broad lessons of history from isolated incidents, he makes me wary". When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. Fortunately for LeMay, there was another new technology on the horizon. Why did Neville Chamberlain think he could trust Adolf Hitler? [14], After the 1991 Gulf War, David L. Goldfein states that by then bombs could hit, with precision, a specific wing of a building. They failed. You can send this audiobook as a gift by visiting this page to select the audiobook and enter your lucky recipients information. The three factors that accounted for 91% of the rankings were (1) total endowment (2) price of tuition and (3) how many white people were on campus. I went back and read The Bomber Mafia a second time. Yes, it would have caused millions to starve and die but the invasion alternative would have caused millions of allied lives. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Rather than focus on industrial or military targets, the napalm bombs spewed all over cities, destroying housing and killing civilians in a most devastating way. 4.9 . We won the war when we did because our aircraft carriers were luckily out of Pearl Harbor when it was invaded, we were never going to lose but our task would have become daunting if we had to re-build our aircraft carrier fleet in my opinion Germany invaded Russia for its oil, oil was and is the commodity needed for modern militaries, Your email address will not be published. Malcolm Gladwell's new book and audiobook "The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation and the Longest Night of the Second World War" digs deep into one of the lesser-known rivalries of the war,. He just didnt have it. Because even though his bombing caused more than 500,000 Japanese citizens to lose their lives, it prevented a land invasion which undoubtedly would have cost many more deaths than that. You can listen in your preferred podcast app (See below for a complete list of supported apps). [] Hansell won the war". Weve all be taught that it was the two atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki that caused the Japanese to surrender. Thank you for purchasing The Bomber Mafia, an audiobook by Malcolm Gladwell. Do Not Steal My Personal Information. [2] Fleets of heavy bombers were not able to achieve victory without the cooperation of the Army and Navy, and required the protection of long-range fighters for deep penetration missions. [12] The teaching of fighter ("pursuit") tactics declined, though Earle E. Partridge and Hoyt S. Vandenberg continued to discuss the role of the fighter. As an expert in the use of air units to aid artillery and infantry, Gordon P. Saville held to the concept of tactical air power through his time as ACTS instructor from 1934 to 1936. Malcolm Gladwell The Bomber Mafia Audiobook Online. This was all in one plane. Note from the author Malcolm Gladwell, author . Gladwell is a wonderful storyteller. Do television sitcoms teach us something about the way we relate to one another that isnt true? Its a history of the dueling philosophies regarding bombing that existed in the US military during World War II. Malcolm Gladwell's "The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War" is a kind of love song to the United States Air Force, which is surprising, because. In one day in March, 1945, more than 400 B-29s totally burned 16 square miles of Tokyo killing far more than 100,000 people. Part one on the extraordinary life of the Air Force General Curtis LeMay. He bled to death. On page 127 of the hard copy, Gladwell got it backwards when he stated heavily laden B-29s headed for a Japan bombing run had to wait for a tailwind to be able to take off. The war ended some 76 years ago. They intended the mission to be against military and industrial targets, not populations. Gladwell stated the audiobook for The Bomber Mafia came about as an expansion of material from his podcast Revisionist History, and that the print book originated from the audiobook. The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, a Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War is a nonfiction book by Malcolm Gladwell, published in 2021. and Terms of Use, 2023 Hachette Book Group | Terms of Use | In the end, the book's central flaw resides at the core of Gladwell's supposed greatest strength. [25] Professors Fedman and Karacas stated that errors "pile up to the point where it becomes clear that a book that has received so much attention ought to have received more fact-checking". This guide is based on the hardcover first edition. Curtis LeMay (with pipe) discusses plans for bombing Tokyo. Blow them up for existing to us !!! Their empire building was targeted towards oil production, in order to be a world power you must have oil. Starting in 2022, Starbucks is expanding its Veterans Day freebie to include an additional product: iced coffee. As a compromise first step, the General Headquarters (GHQ) Air Force was established within the Army Air Corps in 1935, commanded by General Frank M. Andrews, a strategic bombing advocate. Actually, Gladwell mentions that the audio style is the initial text, as well as the hardback is the secondary item. These four instructors, the core of US bomber advocacy, argued that an enemy's army and navy could be defeated intact due to the destruction of industrial and military targets deep within enemy-held territory.