But there is a pheromonal lock. Hes coming, baby. Natasha: I knew all the presents under the tree were just empty boxes, but I didnt care. Where you gonna go? However, they were reunited at an unexpected time here and though things didn't go smoothly, they were what mattered to her after it all. My sister moved out west. Alexei: Please. Children who dont have anyone to protect them. Alexei: Youre gonna need to hand me that gun. She She watches everything and she can do it. Im talking about chemically altering brain functions. Melina: What were you? Melina: Yeah? Yelena: No. You know what? She worked directly for Dreykov far more than I ever did. MAN: (ON RADIO) Were closing in on the target, sir. Hes coming. Just as you did, Father." "A wise king never seeks out war. We gotta go. She shows who she is outside of her uniform - and not while playing a part undercover. At the end of the day, it's all about family. Go on. Oh, would you grab the ranch dressing for Dad? Natasha is the one who is always picking up after her teammates as the first female on the team. I really dont know where the Red Room is, though. What is this, your second triple bypass? She turned her back on her people. While much of Natasha's time in the MCU reminds the audience that she didn't have much of a family life until meeting the Avengers, that isn't entirely true. Yelena: We gotta get outta here. The excited delivery from Pugh is what makes this so great. No more excuses, okay? They destroyed my birth certificate, so I reinvented it. Youre fully conscious, but you dont know which part is you. Yelena: Hmm You know, coming here makes you look desperate. Im not made of jets. Bond. You have done nothing but tell me how bored you were. Cold even for Russia, you know? Bond. NATASHA: From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. Dreykov: When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask in the world can hide that. NATASHA: (SPEAKING ALONG) Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python? Real power comes from undetectable influence. Dreykov: (CHUCKLING) Just like old times, huh? I told you! I am reaching for fish. That sentiment isnt one shes able to hold on to in future movies, but its one she tries to impress the importance of at the time. Its like fighting a mirror. I dont wanna be here. This line comes from Natasha as she prepares to infiltrate Hammer Industries. Permission to activate Taskmaster Protocol? Moving to the next aisle we have. When your bomb exploded, it nearly killed my Antonia. I gave my life for a cause. And you do, like, a fighting pose. It led to an embrace between sisters, solidifying their bond. (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) I will shoot. Yelena: Well, its not smart to attack an Avenger if you want to stay hidden. Why would he put me in You know why? I was patsy! Singing, Alexei and Yelena BOTH: This will be the day that I die. More details are available in the progress report. Thisll be the day. The opening scene in Ohio sees the film's core family just barely getting out of the country. So many theories existed about the Budapest mission. Alexei: Are you calling me a liar, Ursa, huh? If were just going to press buttons and hack computers. But wait, shh, Im on comms with Yelena. That was the whole reason I sent it to you. Yelena: The thing you do when youre fighting. Tag team. Maybe youd like a shot at the man responsible for your sisters death. Come and drink. I dont get my period, dipshit. Then he buries me in Ohio on that stupid mission. I told you! Your real ones? You havent seen either one of us in 20 years and youre gonna ask me about you? unfortunately harmless. Alexei: Natasha. Get what you want. Look at you. She calls her sister a poser and does so again during the prison break because Natasha does the superhero landing. You take this. We fight. Yelena: Youre forgetting Dreykovs daughter. You were just born in a cage, but thats not your fault. Coequal. Melina: Probably down to cold storage. You feel anything when I killed your daughter? Alexei: (IN ENGLISH) Oh, that was exciting. But the levee was dry, Alexei: Them good old boys. I told you! Natasha: Pain only makes us stronger. (CHUCKLES) Weve got a generator outside. Did you ever wish for kids? Yelena: (SPEAKS RUSSIAN) Its an antidote to mind control. Yelena: What you experienced was psychological conditioning. RELATED: Which Black Widow Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Melina: You go. Yelena: You know, this is the first piece of clothing Ive ever bought for myself. She takes the call, of course, and throws this line to Coulson after he reveals that Clint Barton has been taken. Dreykov: (CHUCKLES) What are you going to do? You know, uh, chemicals. He can mimic anyone hes ever seen. Dreykov: (SHOUTING) Dont tell me to stop! Todays the day. Yelena: If youre so sure, then tell me what happened. Wheres an Avenger when you need one? Natasha: (IN ENGLISH) You cant just steal a guys car. (SHUSHING). There is a reason why Im telling you this, okay? So, what do we do now? Thaddeus Ross: (ON PHONE) Thought maybe youd be calling me to cut a deal. Rogers is on the run. Next to him, the nasty licosa raptoria, his . He might think he's a horrible person who can't be pulled back from the edge, but Natasha knows better. At that moment, none of them seemed to agree with her, including Natasha. Whatd you get me this time, like, an upside-down lawnmower? Yes, very good, my darling. Throughout those eight movies, she's had a lot of memorable moments, both in uniform as the Black Widow, and while trying to live her life.. RELATED: The Top 6 Moments In The Black Widow Movie That Stood Out On First Viewing Natasha: I think we should wait till we get to a higher altitude. They can explain it to you. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Natasha: Clint Barton. YOUNG YELENA: Mommy, youre silly. Alexei: Tell me thats a good sign for us! It showcases how highly he thinks of himself and how disappointing he finds his entire existence. I always thought there was a great deal of mutual respect. Im just here paying my respects. ALEXEI: I mean, I dont know. Are you kidding me? I, uh I have a lot of energy. And you should know Im a better shot when Im pissed off. We, uh We just sit. Rick Mason: You see what I can get you with a bit of time and money? Well, then you were fooling yourself because pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. I came in here because I didnt want to talk. (IN ENGLISH) Why dont you take it to one of your super-scientist friends? These girls were trash. Oh, you want mac and cheese? Melina, I found the location of the vials. Or money. Thats the way the whole friends thing works. This latest addition to the MCU Black Widow has an incredibly talented cast of main characters! The point is, Ive never Ive never had control over my own life before, and now I do. We shot Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and summer vacation all in one day. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. She ends the conversation with this scathing line, sayingthat though Natasha is viewed as a hero, it's a lot darker than it seems on the surface. I did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out. YOUNG NATASHA: Yelena, we see fireflies every year. Why, huh? Yelena: What? Natasha: What? Just like us when we were small. Natasha: (SPEAKING ALONG) Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python? I dont have a uterus. Melina: Oh Kiss it better. She has been writing pop culture lists for Screen Rant since 2017. If I was his architect, you were his partner. Finally, the Red Guardians time has come! I will kill you all! Melina: Tell me, how did you keep your heart? All rights reserved. Possibly the bravest. (PANTING) Im gonna open the door. Movie: (ON SPEAKERS) Moonraker 1 on preset launch program, Movie: minus two minutes. No, you will. Urine is 35 degrees Celsius, staves off the frostbite. Wait. Stay alert. arachnida, the spiders, our.. finest collection. Where is it? (LAUGHS) Its a (LAUGHS) Its a fighting pose. I was the muscle. Trust me. YELENA: I thought you were supposed to be the best. Alex Abad-Santos is a senior correspondent who explains what society obsesses over, from Marvel and movies to fitness and skin care. Dreykov still has the widows under his control, so you have to expose them to this antidote. She was relentless. Come here, I want to ask you something. Okay, girls, Im having trouble hearing you, but, Natasha, theres something I need you to know. Here are just 10 of her best quotes, so far. Yelena: (SCOFFS) Bullshit. MELINA: Yes. Yelena: I dont know. Youre gonna tell us the location of the Red Room. She spends much of the movie denying the family connection between her and Yelena, only admitting that she sees their spy family as real when she almost loses Yelena. Little bit. Were moving on. I thought I was being brave. Melina: Ive always found it best not to look into the past. Yelena: This is a much less cool way to die. Really? Actually, it was Hydra scientists at that time. They can still rewatch Natasha Romanoff's many adventures with the rest of the MCU heroes - and quote her lines right along with her, even if the character is no longer present in the MCU. Oh, no. Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details. Yelena: That gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from Melinas generation. Voluntary motor movement, procedural learning. The gas immunizes the brains neuropathways from external manipulation. Do you know why its gonna be all right? The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled. Youve always been a really good friend to me. Or money. The real war was fought here, in the shadows. These world leaders, these great men, they answer to me and my widows. I knew you did. Ive lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross. However, after he goes on his overly long villain monologue and explains his entire plan, Natasha gains confidence and says the above line. While there's a sense of duty and responsibility amongst all of the Avengers, choice is a big theme for Natasha. Im scared. Mmm. (SOBBING) I wanna stay in Ohio. Im sorry, I already alerted the Red Room. I mean, theyre great poses, but it does look like you think everyones looking at you, like, all the time. But if you got soft, it wasnt on my watch. He had widows implanted all over the world. Rick Mason: No, I take exception to impugning my professionalism. Alexei: Okay, girls, Im having trouble hearing you, but, Natasha, theres something I need you to know. Your pain only makes you stronger. Youre gonna come after me. Nor did you. You can always find him on his Twitter, @the_kevstaaa. Be A Good Little Widow Monologue (Contemporary Dramatic) Elle Shaheen 14 subscribers 104 views 1 year ago Elle Shaheen performs a monologue from Be A Good Little Widow by Bekah Brunstetter,. Melina: Oh, maybe so. Happy Monologue Monday! For you, yes. I have nine pigs that will require attending to in my absence. (SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT BY THINK UP ANGER FT. MALIA J PLAYING). Five, four. Pull back. Natasha isn't amused by his antics, and that's part of the core of the conflict in their relationship. Dreykovs dead. And those agents you chemically subjugated around the globe? Youre fully conscious, but you dont know which part is you. The best part of my life was fake. Melina: We cant split up. And every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security. Im still not sure. Youre the only superhero person that I know. YELENA: Its a synthetic gas. Alexei: Okay. Trying to be more than just a trained killer. And you, you got out. Natasha: Youre gonna tell us the location of the Red Room. Contents 1 Movies 1.1 Iron Man 2 1.1.1 Spoken by Natasha Romanoff 1.1.2 Spoken about Natasha Romanoff 1.1.3 Dialogue 1.2 The Avengers 1.2.1 Spoken by Natasha Romanoff 1.2.2 Dialogue Well, I want caviar and champagne. She did have a spy family for a mission in her childhood, and that family dynamic doesn't take much time to pick back up as an adult. (LAUGHING) Thank you, Natasha. Alexei: Whoa, look at you, huh? My great adversary in this theater of geopolitical conflict. You can tell that the exploits of the Avengers were world-famous as Yelena knew the iconic pose that her sister would bust out during a fight. Okay. Hey. Once Im out, I can activate the landing protocol, we can descend within the hour. Alexei: Soviet Unions first and only super soldier. Three years! Yelena: Okay, you got a plan, or shall I just stay duck-and-cover? Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. You were his business partner. I lose balance. Hawkeye and Black Widow have a long history that predates their teaming up in the MCU, and they reference it while battling the Chitauri in New York. Yelena: Green beans are my favorite vegetable. A popular running gag from the film begins when Yelena asks Natasha why she does her signature pose and hair flip during fights. Today will be my last foray into Marvel for a little while and I'm closing it out with a true badass :) Black Widow forever!Twitter: . Natasha sees that coming, and she tries to do the things that will result in the least amount of damage to the people shes become friends with. The Black Widows attack Natasha and have her beaten until they're cured of their mind control. Come on. But youre not even the first mother that abandoned me. We're both upside down. We just left home. We just left home. Oh, I stashed that, like, five years ago. Natasha: He had widows implanted all over the world. That was fun. I gave her love. Think I cant take a punch? Dreykovs dead. Different backdrops. Yelena: Yeah. Natasha is first introduced into the MCU in Iron Man 2 as a SHIELD shadow operative. As Natalie Rushman, she spends a lot of her time helping Tony Stark and Pepper Potts out of messes. However, Yelena calls her sister a poser because she literally spends her time posing while on the battlefield. Dont touch me. I gave my life for a cause. You just didnt want your baby sister to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids. Waiting for the package. Alexei: Oh, yeah? I told you! Alexei: Natasha, always focus, focus. Look at them. Dreykov: I dont need to impress you. Yelena: And I fell and hurt my knee, but it doesnt hurt anymore. Come on, dinner, big girl! Natasha: Come on. Im not made of jets. You couldve gotten me killed. Alexei: (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) Why not ask Melina where it is? If were just going to press buttons and hack computers. More like a contemporary, you know? I want to do things. Everything out, so you cant have babies. Come on, girls. Natasha, to block receptors in olfactory center, you have to sever the nerve. My sister moved out west. You got no friends. Alexei: No, no, no. Was the free flat and lifetime supply of kissel not to your liking? Dreykov: That one, she has fire in her. Whenever you hear that someone is a poser, it typically means that they're being fake. NATASHA: So, we gonna talk like grown-ups? Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Tell me exactly. I want to do things. It was also a great callback to when she outsmarted Loki inThe Avengers. Something touched me deep inside. I was the chore, the job you didnt want to do. Melina: Pull back. What was her name? Her favorite heroines include Black Widow, Blake Belladonna, Poison Ivy, and Sailor Jupiter. (SHUSHING). Natasha's only families in life were the Avengers and the short couple of years she had with Alexei, Melina, and Yelena. Its very cold day in this little ice shed. Said with a wry smile while she picks up Captain America's shield from the street, this is one of the Natasha Romanoff quotes that's played for laughs. Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years, I dont think that we can use this term anymore, can we? I have no idea. Normally, the actions of one curious civilian wouldnt warrant an execution, but, as I said, she was relentless. Natasha: Its funny. Go wait in the car. Valentina: Wow. I know. Natasha: I bet its easier to be tough in front of defenseless little girls, huh? Alexei: Come on, now. Tony Stark, maybe? Turn her into one of your pigs. Are you telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room present day? Go. Exactly. What? (ON SPEAKERS) Moonraker 1 on preset launch program, (CHEAP THRILLS BY SIA FEAT. Im sorry. I wanna get back in it. Lets count together. Theyll be here any minute. There we go. (LAUGHS) It does have a lot of pockets. The poor girls turn to Natasha for guidance on what to do now that they're free. No. But if you got soft, it wasnt on my watch. Yelena: I dont get my period, dipshit. Get up. When the conversation turns to Clint Barton, Loki is quick to insinuate something romantic between them. Marvel. Alexei: (SINGING) Rise, you workers of salvation. We got Barton, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. The rest, he kills. Youre just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged our marriage. Prisoner 1: Captain America was still frozen in ice then. Yes, all right. Beautiful. Rick Mason: You know, youre getting dangerously close to running out your tab. Come on. Dreykov: Yeah. MCU's Black Widow's Natasha Romanoff has had some memorable quotes in the franchise. If no ones noticed, then why even do it? I mean, youre embarrassing yourself. Melina: (IN ENGLISH) Precisely what I was thinking. Its so cool, right? Youre a total poser. Youre a coward. To him, we are just things. (ANNOUNCER SPEAKING NORWEGIAN ON SPEAKERS). You know, I thought I was being very brave. I got Fruit Roll-Ups in the car. A particularly hilarious moment in Black Widow comes when Yelena gets on the ground and makes fun of Black Widow's signature fighting pose in front of her. (SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT BY THINK UP ANGER FT. MALIA J CONTINUES). You know what? Dreykov: There are 50 people on this planet. No offense, huh? Yelena: And those agents you chemically subjugated around the globe? And there was a tombstone with her name engraved on it. She and Yelena spend the movie trying to free other women from the control of the Red Room, and though they take a lot of hits to make it happen, they get a large number of women out, allowing the former Red Room inhabitants to make their own decisions about their lives. Whatever. YELENA: (CHUCKLES) Funny, I was going to say the same thing. We shot Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and summer vacation all in one day. I was the muscle. Natasha Romanoff is in violation of the Sokovia Accords. Yelena: Fantastic. He puts me in prison for the rest of my life. You know, He come down the chimney, girls. Alexei: You dont have to get so clinical and nasty. Yelena: (LAUGHS) Oh, come on. And youre a coward. Clearly, it meant something to Alexei as well. Natasha doesn't just literally pick Steve's shield up from the road, she also figuratively picks him up and keeps him going when everyone turns on him. Real mature. It was a front for S.H.I.E.L.D. Youre gonna tell us how to get to the Red Room. Sorry. Rick Mason: Your mate, Secretary Ross, has been sniffing around my affairs to the point at which Ive got contacts declining my calls. A super soldier known as the Red Guardian, he spends histime yearning for the glory days he feels he deserved. (Shows Yelena a photo of Clint Barton). Oh, would you grab the ranch dressing for Dad? Now youll know how Dreykov stayed above the radar all these years. Please, please, I beg you. Died. Natasha: Hey. Dreykov: So, this was the big plan, huh? Melina was going to land the Red Room and hand me over to the authorities. I dont have a uterus. At the start of the franchise, shes a spy - a spy conditioned in a secret Soviet program, but a spy nonetheless. Natasha: When was the last time that you had a conversation with somebody that wasnt forced to talk to you? In a flashback to Natasha's early life as a sleeper agent in the U.S., she rides her bike down a suburban street in Ohio and meets her little sister in the backyard. You cant take her. Oh, just some mail and personals from the Budapest safe house. Well, I want caviar and champagne. Go to work. And she fights just like all of your friends. That was me. Were not really talking right now, so. (SIGHS). Following the events of Captain America: Civil War (2016), Natasha Romanoff finds herself on the run and forced to confront a dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past. Its okay. It did. Natasha: I thought about her every day of my life. Because there is always more. While Steve prefers to take everything head-on, Natasha prefers to sneak around a problem to find a quiet solution. Yelena, its me. I take out on three, ready? Natasha and Steve have very different styles in combat. Youre a brave girl. He puts me in prison for the rest of my life. Melina: Now youll know how Dreykov stayed above the radar all these years. Dreykovs special project. Dreykov: Nobody leaves this room until shes dead. scientists. I dont really have anywhere to go back to, so I guess anywhere.