He added that Lachelle Scarlato, deputy director of economic development for Worcester County, had part ownership of the LLC that currently owned the boat. Its not right that a county employee will benefit from this, he said. When Bertino said that sort of information should have been in the commissioners packets, Higgins said hed gotten it last minute. The Black-Eyed Susan was then taken in February to Colonna's Shipyard in Norfolk for an extensive inspection that revealedmultiple issues with the hull, hydraulics system and paddlewheel frame, according to the release. That price tag is why at tonight's meeting, the towns mayor, Michael Pruitt, is going to seek permission to sell it. Fully stocked bars on all 3 levels. Share with Us. Chance of rain 70%. The boat is captained by Jeramiah Kogan and David Carrier. A graduate of Stephen Decatur High School and the University of Richmond, she spent seven years with the Delmarva Media Group before joining the team at The Dispatch. Are you a lover of Marylands Northeastern region particularly Havre de Grace? A new attraction recently arrived in the Snow Hill Township, and the mayor said she hopes it will draw visitors from nearby towns. He added that next season the boat would likely operate four days a week and continue to host private parties. Weber, citing his success with the Blue Dog Caf, said he was confident that it would prove profitable. Low near 50F. The boat is staffed by a captain, two mates, three servers, two bartenders and Washington and his daughter. There was a problem saving your notification. Here we are. Firefighters. SNOW HILL, Md. You will receive your first email soon. The Black Eyed Susan 5 reviews Unclaimed Boat Charters Closed See hours See all 21 photos Write a review Add photo Location & Hours Suggest an edit 2600 Boston St Baltimore, MD 21224 Canton Get directions You Might Also Consider Sponsored South River Boat Rentals 32 22.3 miles away from The Black Eyed Susan Michael O. said "It's perfect! The saga of Snow Hill's beleaguered Black-Eyed Susan riverboat is nearing a conclusion with the town's decision to sell it. The commissioners agreed to loan Snow Hill and Pocomoke roughly $350,000 to buy the Black Eyed Susan, a 149-passenger riverboat that has been used in Havre de Grace. We added things that didnt get completed (earlier in the process), former Snow Hill Town Manager Gary Weber said. The paddlewheel is not fixed. Its a nice little cruise.. - Submit classified ads For months now, the boat has sat idle on the Pocomoke River. At a town hall meeting earlier this month, Snow Hill Mayor Mike Pruitt and the Town Council unanimously voted to authorize Pruitt to look into selling the 149-passenger, 111-foot paddlewheel boat. Washington also tells us, the sooner things get ready to go, the sooner those behind the project believe the tourism will rise. Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, making a motion to move provide Snow Hill and Pocomoke a no interest loan to make the purchase, said time was of the essence and that the county should not let the opportunity pass by. Higher wind gusts possible. High 61F. Improve this listing Similar Experiences No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism Its all aligned.. So for us here in Snow Hill to be the hub of that sort of entertainment, I think is wonderful, says Jim Washington, Operator and Caterer for the Black Eyed Susan. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Charlene Sharpe has been with The Dispatch since 2014. The Black Eyed Susan riverboat is again out of commission. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. He said the plan was for Snow Hill and Pocomoke to purchase the boat through funding from the county. Those interested can get cruise tickets online at bes-snowhill.com. They would have to get it seaworthy. Mayor Pruitt said there are already interested parties. or anything. "prerollTemplate":"https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?sz=640x480&iu=/174384104/wmdt/top-stories&ciu_szs=300x250&impl=s&gdfp_req=1&env=vp&output=vast&vpos=preroll&unviewed_position_start=1&correlator=1682871833&cust_params=category=Business%2CEntertainment%2CLocal%20News%2CMaryland%2CTop%20Stories&video_position=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wmdt.com%2F2021%2F06%2Fblack-eyed-susan-river-boat-slated-to-bring-tourism-and-business-to-the-town-of-snow-hill%2F&post=722802" (Oct. 16, 2020) Snow Hill is officially the owner of the Black Eyed Susan, a 111-foot paddle wheel boat. I did the lunch cruise on a rainy day but found nothing but sunshine from the crew of the Black Eye Susan. SNOW HILL Seats are filling quickly on Snow Hills new riverboat. Sign Up for the Daily Buzz E-News to receive the latest news around the area delivered to your inbox. The Black-Eyed Susan, the Town of Snow Hill's riverboat, hosted its first guests in mid-August. or anything. The address is 212 W. Green Street, and the meeting will be open for public comment. This is something that could revitalize the downtown of not one but two towns in the southern end of the county, he said. Perlozzo said the riverboat was a unique opportunity to promote the southern end of the county as a tourism destination. Town Council members voted 2-1 Tuesday night in favor of committing torepairs that would allow the stern-wheel paddleboat to stay in service at a reduced capacity while officials seek additional funding for a full restoration. Keep it Clean. Shrimp are migrating to Maryland waters. There is no division whatsoever in our town. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. Gary Weber, Snow Hills town manager, asked the commissioners to consider how much the riverboat could benefit the southern portion of the county. - Create your own user profile The 111-foot paddlewheel boat itself is nearly 33 feet tall, Weber added, with the lowest bridge itd have to pass under being 35 feet tall. - Comment on articles Don't knowingly lie about anyone The Black Eyed Susan riverboat, which for months has been docked on the Pocomoke River in Snow Hill. Our river is our ticket for that, we need to utilize this river go back to history just a little bit, says Lisa Outten-Harrison, Council Member for the town of Snow Hill. Hello, adventurers! That funding would be made up of a $100,000 Community Legacy Grant transfer as Tyson Foods in Snow Hill does not intend to take advantage of the grant it received as well as the $250,000 in CARES Act funding the commissioners previously set aside for the southern part of the county. We dont have all the answers.. - Follow your favorite authors The Black Eyed Susan riverboat, which for months has been docked on the Pocomoke River in Snow Hill. More than 500 people accepted the Town of Snow Hill's invitation for an informal open house showcasing the long-awaited Black Eyed Susan riverboat on June 22. He said while hed like to find a way to help the southern end of the county he didnt think this was it. After spending the weekend in Pocomoke City, the riverboat will pull into Snow Hill after spending the last few months in Salisbury at the Murtech Marine to undergo various upgrades and repairs. The commissioners voted 5-2 to provide the loan for the boat with Bertino and Bunting opposed. If you want to learn more about what the boat has to offer, or how to start making reservations, just contact the town of Snow Hill 410-632-2080. - Comment on articles Soon people will be able to cruise along the Pocomoke River enjoying food, entertainment, happy hour cruises and even guest chef evenings. High 63F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. 2023 www.delmarvanow.com. A lot of the questions I asked, they had answers for in that presentation, Bertino said. We want to build that. 11934 Ocean Gateway, Suite 6,Ocean City,MD, Black eye: Riverboat drama continues to dog Snow Hill, Ocean City Council denies Deja Vu adult store name change, Ocean City Council advances fare increases, Boardwalk bike rule change, more, Driver in Ocean City rollover wreck could be charged with DUI, Request for air rights over Ocean Citys Majestic Hotel headed to first reading, Ocean City breaks ground on Downtown Recreation Complex renovation, Worcester County licensing board roasts Toasts requests, New study: Stop drinking sugary drinks in Baltimore. A graduate of Stephen Decatur High School and the University of Richmond, she spent seven years with the Delmarva Media Group before joining the team at The Dispatch. The Black-Eyed Susan, the 149-seat riverboat purchased in 2020 with a loan from Worcester County, has been at Murtech Marine in Salisbury since the fall undergoing repairs. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Less than eight months after the much-anticipated 111-foot paddlewheel took its maiden voyage as the Town of Snow Hill's new marquee attraction, the United States Coast Guard has thrown a bucket of cold water on the town's 2022 ambitions. As far as tickets, he said prices ranged from $40 to $95 a person. The sale would involve varying degrees of loan and grant obligations and have lingering effects for future grant opportunities, according to the release. More:Snow Hill celebrates 23rd Blessing of the Combines: PHOTOS, More:NFL Hall of Famer Terrell Owens is playing in Bubba Almony's Celebrity Basketball Game. The town purchased the riverboat in 2020 using a combination of grant money and loans fromthe county and state. Chance of rain 80%. This unique excursion is like taking a step (or paddle) back in time. "It's definitely an. Its what I believe to be a great opportunity to take advantage of the Pocomoke River. You have permission to edit this article. Voyages started in August 2021 with Washington'sInc. as the operator responsible for catered cruises along the Pocomoke River. The mayor and Town Councilheld a special session on the Back-Eyed Susan, the release stated, and provided other opportunities at regularly-scheduled meetings for community members to offer their input, with support mixed. 2023 www.delmarvanow.com. Tuesday's meeting was to discuss the idea of the Mayor bringing in contractors to assess damages. If we dont make a decision today we are going to lose this opportunity and if we lose it we may never get it again. Despite all the troubles that have befallen the town since purchasing the riverboat in 2020 the latest was a $600,000 price tag for repairs ordered last spring by the US Coast Guard there is still hope that someone can turn the vessel into an attraction for the lower Eastern Shore. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Thats my point , Bertino said. I have no doubt in my mind this boat will pay for itself, he said. That would be their option.. Hes adding more dates, however, as soon as he confirms hes got a captain lined up. I implore everyone up here to understand that. More:Virginia Shore residents may start getting new telephone area code. We hope that it is does exactly what our anticipation is, and were just so excited to bring people here and ride our beautiful Black Eyed Susan, says Outten-Harrison. -- A decision regarding the fate of the Black Eyed Susan riverboat is expected to be made at a town council meeting tonight, January 10th. I think itll be a failure.. In spring 2017, it moved to its new home in Havre de Grace. Then check out this old fashioned paddle boat cruise where you can sight-see this amazing area right from the water. There was a problem saving your notification. There was a problem saving your notification. A graduate of Stephen Decatur High School and the University of Richmond, she spent seven years with the Delmarva Media Group before joining the team at The Dispatch. Wes Moore Says he Plans to Sign Gun-Control Bills, Man Accused of Murder Brought Back to Delaware, Stabbing Incident Leads to Arrest in Laurel, Transparency Requirements for Group Health Plans. A few clouds. The town has gained a major attraction, the famous Black Eyed Susan Riverboat. Jamie Alvarenga is a writer and editor who loves all things Maryland. There has been a lot of (criticism) online and on Facebook that isnt accurate. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Voyages started in August 2021 with Washington'sInc. as the operator responsible for catered cruises along the Pocomoke River. States Sports Complex Study Reviewed; Potential Task Force Eyed To Move Forward, Ocean City Council Approves $1.9M Fire Engine Purchase, Worcester BOE Working With County On Budget, OC Council Approves Property Tax Credit For Vol. Don't Threaten. Jim Washington, the riverboat's. Jim Washington, the riverboats operator, said he supported the towns decision regarding the boat. Everybody is on board if it makes sense, he said. Sign Up for the Daily Buzz E-News to receive the latest news around the area delivered to your inbox. - Submit news tips The Black-Eyed Susan, a riverboat purchased by Snow Hill Township, was scheduled to make its maiden voyage along the Pocomoke River on Tuesday. Weve gotten a lot of compliments on our dinner cruise. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Chance of rain 80%. BOAT'S TROUBLES: Black-Eyed Susan riverboat: Partial repairs OK'd to make it Snow Hill 'tourist attraction' The boat was first purchased in 2020 using a combination of grant money and loans from. Repairs were estimated at more than $600,000, a price tag outside the town budgetarymeans. Earlier this month, the town's mayor and three-person council unanimously moved to sell the boat that was originally slated to provide tours of the Pocomoke River and offer a dining option for visitors to the town. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. OCEAN CITY Officials say the formation of a task force could address concerns relating to a proposed sports complex. Washington said he is grateful for the opportunity afforded by the town government. After a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Aug. 12 with around 70 other attendees, the riverboat took its maiden voyage with the town, county and state officials onboard Tuesday. He said the operator, who has not yet been identified, will decide what sorts of trips to offer on the boat. A few clouds. Shots fired investigation leads to police pursuit in Sussex Co. Salisbury Mayoral Candidate charged with reckless endangerment, MSP searching for Salisbury man wanted on attempted murder charges, Easton woman charged with neglecting minors. Doctor Explains, Golf event celebrates Macky's bartender, 'the JUTT'. Ideally, wed sell it before the end of this fiscal year (at the end of June) so we dont have a budget item for this moving forward.. He echoed Bertinos concern about Scarlatos involvement. accounts, the history behind an article. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. Register today to take advantage of these benefits and more! Im glad to see its coming back, he said. We offer three decks, two of which are heated/air conditioned and the top deck is open air. The happy hour cruises seem to be a lot of fun, said Washington, who makes a point to mingle with passengers throughout the voyage. It may pass the legal test to take the $250,000 in advertising from the CARES Act but it doesnt pass the smell test, he said. As the town explored its options, Washington's Inc. was released from the lease agreement because the boat was not sea-worthy as the contract required. Snow Hill Mayor Jennifer Jewell said she is hopeful that the tour will attract people to the town and that they spend time in the town in addition to the riverboat trip. High 63F. When Bertino asked how many trips the boat would take to make money, Weber said the ticket cost would depend on what type of trip was offered. . The One Of A Kind Tiki Tour You Must Take In Maryland Before Summers End, This Sunset Wine Cruise In Maryland Is The Perfect Summer Adventure, The Boating Adventure That Will Show You A Side Of Maryland You Didnt Even Know Existed, Theres A Glowing Pumpkin Trail Coming To Maryland And Itll Make Your Fall Magical, 11 Unforgettable Tours Everyone In Maryland Should Take At Least Once, Theres A Little-Known, Fascinating Train Park In Maryland And Youll Want To Visit, The North Pole Train Ride In Maryland That Will Take You On An Unforgettable Adventure, This Dreamy Train-Themed Trip Through Maryland Will Take You On The Journey Of A Lifetime, Facebook / Black Eyed Susan Boat Havre de Grace. Washington is leasing the riverboat from Snow Hill, which took a loan from Worcester County to purchase it. Virginia Shore residents may start getting new telephone area code, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The Black-Eyed Susan, purchased by the town last year thanks to a loan from Worcester County, arrived in Snow Hill in early June and is now docked at Sturgis Park. BOAT'S TROUBLES: Black-Eyed Susan riverboat: Partial repairs OK'd to make it Snow Hill 'tourist attraction'. When he asked Weber whether the boat had been making many trips and whether it was usually full of passengers, Weber said he didnt know. Jewell said she anticipates customers coming from nearby towns to see Snow Hill and the boat. While Washington is pleased with the councils decision, he said he would have also stood by elected officials if theyd thought it was best to sell the boat. - Submit calendar events Even after the boat is repaired, it would cost a good chunk of change to maintain. Each trip along Pocomoke River on the Black-Eyed Susan lasts about two and a half hours. - The town has gained a major attraction, the famous Black Eyed. In addition to the recommended repairs, we put in all new plexiglass on the second level, painted the floor, got rid of the old nasty peel-and-stick carpet. Be Truthful. Gary Weber, Snow Hill town manager, said the final cost for the used vessel was $324,900, and that new boats run up to $4 million. Search, Shop & Compare low rates guaranteed. He questioned the cost of moving the boat to Snow Hill as well as preparations associated with docking it. Thank you! Over the winter of 2021-22 . High 61F. "We are sorry to inform you that. It was estimated $600,000 in repairs would be needed to bring the paddleboat back to fully operational condition. People interestedin booking tickets for one of the scheduled cocktail, lunch and dinner cruises or in scheduling a private tour on the river boat can do so online at https://bes-snowhill.com/. The council voted last night to proceed with the most minimal repairs to the BES in order to get her back to Snow Hill for whatever use we can make of her as a floating venue while taking time to pursue funding from a variety of sources for the full repairs which will return her to regular service, Snow Hill Town Manager Rick Pollitt said in an email. "We're just entering our budget season, we'll start meeting with the department heads and various people in town about our upcoming budget, that will be finalized by the end of March," said Pruitt. The Black Eyed Susan riverboats long and arduous journey to Snow Hill will conclude on Monday. I dont have the optimism you do, he told Weber. State and county officials attended a celebratory ribbon-cutting for the river boat Aug. 12. The boat is in need of repairs, and the cost to get it back up and running again is north of half a million dollars. racist or sexually-oriented language. The "Black-Eyed Susan" riverboat has gone through $300,000 dollars of repairs. He acknowledged that there had been some minor snafus, such as difficulty finding certain light switches, but that overall things were running smoothly. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. A variety of 2.5-hour cruises are offered. Havre de Grace, Maryland Contact that is degrading to another person. Firefighters. Pollitt, who traveled to a Norfolk shipyard last week to see the boat and reported back to the council Tuesday, said updated estimates pegged the cost of the minimal repairs at $193,000. Seeing this vessel docked in our little town evokes momentous emotion and provides hope that Snow Hill will continue to prosper. In the weeks since, the boat has stayed busy with between one and three trips a week. City Manager Terry McGean said the loss of revenue to the town would. Will they find balance in blue crab domain? Though most cruises currently on the calendar are booked, Washington said trips were being added in November and that the boat would offer Christmas parties in December. Pollitt said that the town is aware of two interested parties, one of which is Pocomoke-based and wants to raise money to purchase and restore the boat. Charlene Sharpe has been with The Dispatch since 2014. Pollitt said Wednesday a press release from the town with more information would be forthcoming. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. - Submit news tips The Snow Hill Town Council voted 2-1 Tuesday to proceed with the repairs needed to get the municipalitys riverboat back to Snow Hill. We believe this opportunity checks all the boxes for Snow Hill and Pocomoke, said Tom Perlozzo, the countys director of tourism, economic development and recreation and parks. I think were going to have people coming from all over that have never been to Snow Hill before and thats going to help our businesses, says Outten-Harrison. Search, Shop & Compare low rates guaranteed. The company was later released from the lease agreement because the boat was not sea-worthy, as the contract required. The Black-Eyed Susan was then taken in February to Colonna's Shipyard in Norfolk for an extensive inspection that revealed multiple issues with the hull, hydraulics system and paddlewheel. - Submit classified ads With the arrival of spring, people on the Lower Eastern Shore are asking about the status of the Black-Eyed Susan, the 149-passenger paddlewheel-driven boat with a Victorian-style interior, built in 1986 and acquired by the Town of Snow Hill last year to provide catered luncheon and dinner cruises up and down the scenic Pocomoke River. "We're paying insurance on it, we're paying to keep the electric going, we had to winterize it, there are ongoing expenses even if it sits there docked," said Pollitt. Itll be a shining jewel in the crown of our county seat.. - It costs you nothing! Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. - Submit calendar events Theres a little learning curve, he said. "I would love to have some notion as to where we're headed with the cost of this boat as we prepare for our new budget.". States Sports Complex Study Reviewed; Potential Task Force Eyed To Move Forward, Ocean City Council Approves $1.9M Fire Engine Purchase, Worcester BOE Working With County On Budget, OC Council Approves Property Tax Credit For Vol. Pocomoke City Manager Jeremy Mason agreed. I think we can spend $250,000 on internet, magazines, TV and radio and certainly not get the bang for the buck we will if this paddlewheel boat goes up and down the Pocomoke River, he said. OCEAN CITY Officials say the formation of a task force could address concerns relating to a proposed sports complex. Cloudy with light rain this morningthen becoming partly cloudy. Get more stories delivered right to your email. The 111-foot paddlewheel boat is currently stationed at Murtech Marine in Salisbury, where it has undergone various repairs and renovations to prepare it for active use. The other has loftier plans possibly connecting the railroad between Berlin and Snow Hill to the riverboat on the Pocomoke River for a type of rail-to-river excursion. Mayor Susan Marshall Harrison said the city was very interested. The Black-Eyed Susan, a riverboat purchased by Snow Hill Township, was scheduled to make its maiden voyage along the Pocomoke River on Tuesday. If that's the case, Pruitt said he'd like to have an idea of who's buying the boat within the next few months. This will help us build that. Weber left his position with the town this week. Be Nice. City Manager Terry McGean said the loss of revenue to the town would. The Black-Eyed Susan was then in year four of a five-year mandated U.S. Coast Guard inspection routine, the release explained. The boat has spent its time most recently at the Murtech Marine in Salisbury for various repairs and renovations. And for a small town like Snow Hill, Pollitt said it's simply too expensive. For more information about this neat ride in Maryland, visit the website here. Threats of harming another SNOW HILL, Md. Weber said he wished there was more time to provide that information but that there were other prospective buyers interested in the boat. I think this is a venture thats going to be a big gain for the county.. Tickets for the boats cocktail cruise are $35 while tickets for the dinner cruise cost $65 for adults and $20 for children. The Black Eyed Susan venture is on the rocks again and this time it could be for good after Snow Hill received a $600K estimate to fix it up after inspection. Jim Washington, a longtime Snow Hill resident and restaurant manager, will be in charge of the boat including hiring captains and staff.