Cool Laser surgery produces minimal scarring, minimal deformity and has less risk for infection. Furthermore, biopolymers can travel far beyond where they are initially injected, causing additional deformities and adverse reactions. There may be some initial signs of swelling and bruising for up to 4 weeks after surgery. These are the favorable results from our patient who had silicone injection removal. Having helping so many patients, Dr. Antn strongly believes that surgical excision of biopolymers should not be recommended for a vast majority of patients. Silicone Injection Removal + Biopolymer Q&A. Changes of skin tone; changes to skin texture and skin color; deformity; migration of foreign bodies throughout the body; generalized pain; pain to the affected area; swelling and inflammation. The face is one of the most commonly injected areas. The type of surgery you need and the results that we are going to get before and after the biopolymers removal in buttocks. This procedure is also known as buttock lift. This Silicone Removal procedurein Miami can be done by a Certified Plastic Surgeon. Generating spots, hardening, inflammation and even infection capable of staying years. Here you will find concepts, professional surgeons specialized in biopolymers. 'Hide additional ratings' : 'View additional ratings' }}. Preparation for Silicone Removal surgery may include: The amount of recovery time required for Silicone Injection Removal depends on factors like the location, extent, and amount of removal. I was fooled by another doctor with silicone injections which migrated to my butt and lower back area and I suffered for some time. WHAT ARE FOREIGN BODY SUBSTANCES? Direct Contact for WhatsApp Schedule Your Biopolymer Removal Consultation . Esteemed Miami-area doctor, Dr. Rafael Antn is continuing his campaign to warn the public about dangerous silicone and biopolymer injections that are sometimes used in certain types of cosmetic procedures. Thanks a lot! Kim has been doing my nails for awhile now and she makes me love my nails. During his time as a cosmetic surgeon in Miami, he has developed innovative techniques that allow him to safely and minimally invasively remove these harmful foreign substances that are illegally implanted into patients worldwide. Cool laser surgery is less invasive and provides a more speedy recovery when compared to traditional surgery. Thank you for sharing your testimonial. See more. In the meantime, he stands ready to offer removal procedures that can help restore the appearance and dignity of these victimized patients. Detailing the exact area where you have this material, and with pleasure I can give more specific information. How is the cool laser used to removesilicone? Seduction Cosmetic Center offers affordable Removal treatments for patients to help them achieve the results desired. Biopolymers can produce a series of reactions in the body, capable of lasting in the body for years. MIAMI (PRWEB) It is important to follow the doctors instructions when recovering from Removal Surgery. Lipo 360, ciruga de prpados y transferencia de grasa en la cara. Identity Verification (Reverse Phone Lookup) We conduct a reverse business phone lookup to identify records matching the phone number information provided by the business. Sunday: Closed, window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb1ab7'), 2020 My Cosmetic Surgery | Powered by My Cosmetic Surgery. Just look for the RealSelf Currently, social awareness and acceptance of minimally invasive facial treatments are continually increasing with the pursue of flawless appearance. Are the foreign bodies eliminated at a 100% rate? Biopolymer materials cannot flow freely within the body. You have read and agreed to our privacy policy, Fractional Radiofrequency with Microneedles, Fabian Fontaine Figueredo, MD Plastic Surgeon, William Scott McDonald, MD Plastic Surgeon, Michel Bormey Garcia. Once this type of surgery has been performed, Dr. Antns professional team of aestheticians utilize a variety of innovative medical tools to provide outstanding patient aftercare so that each and every patient is completely satisfied and obtains the best possible results. Most patients respond well and obtain optimal results. Before my having biopolymer removal with Doctor Antun my health was a mess. If you have Biopolymers in your body and side effects are appearing, you should remove them as quickly as possible to avoid serious complications. Biopolymer Removal NYC. No visible and traumatic scars (each case is different and must be evaluated individually). He strives to help patients return to a happier and healthier condition, and will also work closely with you to ensure you still achieve the naturally beautiful cosmetic results you deserve. Our doctors specialize in the removal of silicone injections, and have the expertise and experience to safely remove silicone that has been improperly injected. Butt injections 10 years ago. After the completion of the biopolymer removal procedure, uncomfortable and harmful symptoms can be significantly decreased. What are the most common symptoms associated with injections of silicone? It can be hard to find an affordable Biopolymer Removal for your body. You may be a good Silicone Removal candidate if: Generally, the silicone is removed from the body by a surgical operation. Risks include: deformity, changes to skin, skin texture and skin coloration; general pain, lower back pain, migration of the foreign bodies the legs and extremities; lungs; kidneys and brain. Coral Gables Hospital, Larkin Community Hospital. Biopolymer . Silicone oil is a liquid polymer of siloxane that can be used in products such as lubricants and caulking materials. She has a incredible sense of detail and enjoys her work. Especially that the new generation of dermal fillers for . At My Cosmetic Surgery financial issues are not a problem for any patient, for there are different financing options. There are many factors that determine the costs of Biopolymer Removal, but there may be things that you need to invest more in. Together you can explore all the available treatment options for your condition. The first step in getting a Biopolymer RemovalMiami is to schedule a consultation with us. Individuals with excess Biopolymer in some area of the body. They can migrate once infiltrated and reach areas on the face such as Lips, cheeks and neck. Make an . Skip to content. Biopolymers can be removed from the face, breasts, buttocks, or muscles areas that are often targeted for cosmetic enhancement. Thank you for sharing your testimonial. More news from CLICK HERE and subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel. Parts of this website will not display or function properly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript. Unfortunately, some women automatically assume that just because a specific practitioner is offering a cosmetic procedure means that they are qualified and that the materials being used are safe within the human body. Individuals with a positive attitude and realistic goals about what surgery can achieve. The dangers of Removal Biopolymer in Miami can be very serious. If you have been victimized by these unethical and illegal injections, it is recommended that you seek out doctors who remove silicone injections, like Dr. Antn. There have also been cases where silicone has been used for various cosmetic applications without appropriate testing. I would recommended 100% I did a lot of research before finding Dr.Antun he was highly recommended by a friend. If you are interested in consulting the treatment and perform the biopolymer Removal please send a message by clicking HERE WhatsApp +573115777719 . In this case, the ideal way to remove as much material as possible from the affected area. Mi levantamiento de gluteos me qued excelente y dos aos despus no me canso de dar gracias a Dios. As Miamis leading expert in biopolymer removal, Dr. Antn is a highly practiced specialist with extensive experience in delivering safe, non-invasive, and comfortable removal procedures. They understand the risks involved with these procedures and are dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals safely and effectively. Dr. Antun and his staff are wonderful. Call us at 305.860.0717 or fill out the contact form below and a member of our team will get in touch. Biopolymer Removal surgery is for the removal of silicone injections from your body. If you have been affected, there are treatments available to remove these foreign substances and correct their side effects. medical standing, display their experience and most performed procedures, have high patient Su profesionalismo y el de su equipo es excelente; mi esposo le enva un fuerte abrazo y le desea buena salud como la tengo yo, gracias a usted, Dr. Rafael Antun, did incredible work with my breast augmentation and I am so happy with the result, I love the way my breast looks now. And any other information that may be useful for your procedure. window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb199c'), window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19a9'), window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19b0'), window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19ba')window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19c1'), window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19c8') window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-6450507eb19d5'), 7360 Coral Way Ste 11 Before my having biopolymer removal with Doctor Antun my health was a mess. F.A.C.S. Direct Contact for WhatsApp Are you a victim of biopolymers or silicone injection in the face, lips, body and gluteus. Like its polymer derivatives such as false hyaluronic acid, false vitamins, paraffin and oils. If you have been experiencing any health issues as a result of silicone injections, schedule a consultation at our New York injection removal clinic. If the buttocks contain biopolymers, a butt lift procedure is performed once this material has been extracted. First Name* Last Name* Phone* Email* Reviews you can trust, from real people like you. If you have questions or believe we should re-evaluate a published review, Additionally, the low cost of this procedure makes it quite attractive and easily accessible to many men and women. Results will start to become evident at around 2 or 3 weeks after surgery, though they may develop gradually over the 1-year period following this procedure. Dangerous injected materials can also spread throughout the body, leading to permanent disfigurement, not to mention increasing the risk of stroke or death. Patients who have received permanent fillers such as biopolymers, bio gels, economic hyaluronic acids, expansive cells, bio fill, methacrylate and other invasive materials not approved by the FDA are in danger of severe inflammations and other harmful effects. They can help you understand what your insurance does and does not cover. Schedule a one on one consultation with Dr. Antun in Miami, FL. I really love my new breast the look so natural and no pain. The goal is the reversal and reconstruction of any adverse effects or deformities caused by these dangerous injections. However, it is not impossible either. Silicone can cause a range of health problems when it comes into direct contact with the human body. Practice physical exercise until determined by the surgeon specialized in biopolymers. These may be mislabeled as other injectable ingredients but are not FDA-approved. He later became a medical school faculty member there. The Biopolymers can produce reactions and side effects. Foreign materials in this area can also migrate to the spine, posing highly dangerous health risks. Make sure you have done some research on your condition and talk to your doctor before making any decisions. Liquid silicone and biogel cause pain, hardening and deformations as its synthetic derivatives such as biogel. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. I will recommend him to all my friends . Depending on the location and quantity of these substances, surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. I am so happy I followed her advice he is the best Doctor to go to for a breast lift . The cost of an individual patient's biopolymer removal surgery will vary from patient to patient. What are the benefits of cool laser surgery as opposed to open surgery? It's always a blessing to be able to serve our patients. Am thankful for Doctor Antun and his sweet staff for helping me recover from a traumatic experience with silicone injections. Be aware of the possible risks and complications. For more information on silicone injection removal removal#biopolymerremovalmiami#biopolymersremovalusa#biopolymerremovalsurgerycost#removebiopolymers#biopolymersinjectionsremoval#SiliconeinjectionRemoval #IllegalButtShots #biopolymers #biopolymerscomplication #biopolymersremoval#siliconeinjectionremovaldoctors#siliconeinjectionremovalnearme#cansiliconebuttockinjectionsberemoved#nosesiliconeinjectionremoval#removesiliconeinjectionsface#siliconeinjectionremovalcost#siliconeinjectionremovalmiami#siliconelipinjectionremoval#bblaftersiliconeinjectionremoval#biopolymersremoval#Siliconeinjectionremoval#retirodebiopolimeros#noalosbiopolimeros