I couldn't have Gardevoir as they are both Psychic-type, and the road to Gallade is pretty tough on Kirlia, so I decided on Meditite, and I was pretty happy with my decision. Linoone is synonymous with Hoenn, why wouldn't you use him? - Shadow Ball Swampert does well in Hoenn because there are very few required battles against Grass Pokmon. STAB Earthquake and Waterfall from base 150 Attack is quite strong. - Draining Kiss - Stone Edge - Surf / Dive as it is needed for the story mode. - Iron Tail The other three main team members should be plenty up to that point, though, and with how fantastic Salamence is, it's arguably worth the effort. - Double-Edge He has amazing Special Defence and good Attack, and a pretty great movepool. - Flamethrower - Focus Blast / Thunderbolt. You can get a Carvanha with a Good Rod on Route 118, however they aren't very common so you'll have to keep trying until you get one. Ability: Intimidate Manectric's moveset is very simple, consisting of only one STAB and coverage. [emailprotected] Expert Belt - Thunder Wave (starting move) > Bite (Level 24) > Flamethrower (TM35 - Victory Road) This move will be handy then. Good Defense and high Special Attack, but its other stats are low. - Water Pulse / Thunder Shadow Claw: Sometimes Shadow Sneak isn't enough. They have a really good movepool and who wouldn't want to fly around the huge Hoenn region on a dragon?! Flamethrower is helpful against Stevens Steel types. Fly Surf: STAB and an HM. Flamethrower: A great coverage move. Today's team is Gen 6/3 ORAS starting with Mudkip. Brawly: I used a Taillow with Wing Attack to sweep Brawly, with Beautifly as backup. Great team! Ability: Pickup Ice Fang is coverage against Grass, and Stone Edge against Flying types. Flygon - Ground/Dragon Ability: Rock Head - Poison Jab Swampert @ Soft Sand Volt Switch is good for pivoting, but its less helpful if playing on switch mode. - Fly. Rock Slide: It's a great coverage move for two of Mega Sceptile's weaknesses. Strength is for moving boulders, which is handy. Can deal with Psychics with Dark Pulse and X-Scissor. Poison Jab: Mirage Mountain, requires Acro Bike Knock Off: Good coverage move, removes items. - Bite (Level 20) > Crunch (Level 41) Ability: Blaze > Speed Boost I like how you added altaria to the team, altaria is one of my favorites. Ability: Immunity - Rock Slide / Hidden Power [Water]. He destroys everything. I hear Froslass is bad because it requires babying a weak Snorunt for a long time. Ninetales @ Charcoal - Earthquake - Rock Slide / Stone Edge. Quick question, what would be a good froslass alternitive? When I first got into Pokmon a while ago, Kecleon was my favourite Pokmon, because chameleons were and still are my animals, so no doubt I loved Kecleon. Ability: Overgrow -> Lightning Rod Rock Slide- Coverage against many of Sceptile's weaknesses, Swellow Pre-poisoning Hariyama with Guts makes it nigh unstoppable, especially if youre playing on switch mode. Hariyama easily removes Magneton and Delcatty, and Gardevoir can come in to clean up Roselia and Gallade. - Pursuit Mega Aggron is a less balanced tank, which is more applicable in some situations. Sceptile - Grass (Mega Sceptile - Grass/Dragon) - Zen Headbutt With Skill Link, Bullet Seed becomes one of the best Grass-type moves out there, and Earthquake is a standard. - Brick Break / Strength Hypnosis- Puts enemy to sleep. After spending a while hunting, I found a Shroomish on DexNav and it had Drain Punch so that was cool :0 I gave her the Silk Scarf because I didn't have any other items. - Rock Smash (HM) - Megahorn However, Sidney has two Grass types on his team, so be cautious. Only use it if you didn't choose Brick Break. While it has mediocre attacking stats (70/80 respectively), it does have access to 3 HM moves and nice typing to cover both Sceptile and Linoone's weaknesses. Yawn / Earthquake: Yawn if you can be bothered breeding it. Despite having usable STABs, [emailprotected] is obselete on the team type-wise and is generally used as an HM Slave (mostly for Dive, but Fly is also handy before getting the Eon Flute). The Flash Fire ability is underrated, but if you can pick up Drought do so. Ability: Sturdy - Signal Beam. - Flash Cannon - Strength Tentacruel Moves are after getting rid of most HMs for the E4 and Champ. Ideally, this is the Pokemon you want Ninjask to Baton Pass to. Linoone @ any item The Magnemite line has great stats, including a monstrous Special Attack stat and a great Defence stat. - Dragon Claw - Surf Ice Beam is coverage against Grass types until you get to the Battle Resort, at which point you should swap it for Ice Punch. - Double-Edge. - Close Combat / Brick Break We all know how constricting HMs can be otherwise (especially before getting to Lilycove), so let's get started. I'm going to post a team for Swampert here, as I beat the whole story mode in two days and never died once. - Hammer Arm Wattson: Marshtomp with Mud Shot easily solos this Gym. I'm about to challenge the E4 while writing this: Cuddles (Swampert) @ Swampertite Flygon is one of my favorite mons of all time, plus we need a flyer, so I picked it. Spike (Cacturne) @ Miracle Seed TM72 Volt Switch is awarded to the player as a prize for defeating Wattson. Fly and Iron Head are STAB. Return / Facade: STAB move. Flannery: Marshtomp easily solos this Gym with Mud Shot as well. Manectric @ Magnet / Life Orb Aqua Tail is STAB and the rest is coverage (Crunch is STAB if Mega). - Strength. - Tackle (starting move) > Bulk Up (TM08 - Obtained after defeating Brawly) > Close Combat (Level 46). - Earthquake Just make sure your Delcatty has Cute Charm or Wonder Skin for its Ability. Swampert is the aforementioned starter that's an absolute beast in competitive matches and can carry teams in PVE. Psychic is STAB. Roserade is here to deal with Water types when the Ralts evo of the team can't. The Diantha look-alike set would be ideal considering Hyper Voice is useless if I Mega Evolve Blaziken, but if you want to invest fully in Gardevoir, go ahead. Sceptile is easily taken care of with Crobats Acrobatics. As good as any other Pokemon are, Mega Heracross is a flat out boss. A Mega Evolution is what it needs ;~; Sharpedo @ Sharpedonite - Meteor Mash / Power-Up Punch - Psychic Weezing has pretty good moves, pretty good stats, and a good defensive typing, which paired with Levitate, makes it a great physical wall. Ninetales @ anything If you ever need Giga Drain again, you can reteach it; you don't have that option if you let Treecko evolve at L16. - Psychic This Pokemon is used for Tate & Liza and Phoebe, but if it sets up a few Swords Dances, you can sweep most teams. - Boomburst After you get to the E4, you can delete your HM moves and give Tentacruel more useful moves in Dazzling Gleam/ Ice Beam. Mt. - Megahorn: Level 37 - Ice Beam Also try for moves with decent base power and more PP as not everyone carries lots of Leppa Berries and will save trips to the Pokmon centre, this team is merely a suggestion so people can use whatever they feel like so it doesn't matter what I post as long as it is related and appropriate (am I right?). Thunderbolt / Discharge: Thunderbolt is the better move but Discharge is amazing if used in a Double Battle with Mega Sceptile, giving the latter a Special Attack boost and damaging the other enemies. - Dragon Pulse Giga Drain is STAB and allows them to recover HP, Leaf Blade is a great STAB move with a high critical hit chance, Dragon Claw is STAB if you decide to Mega Evolve, and Earthquake allows him to cover his Fire and Poison weaknesses. - Crunch TM42 Faade can be purchased in Mauville City for 10,000 Pokmon Dollars. Shadow Ball covers against Ghost and other Psychics. Earthquake is there because it's strong, Knock Off is to counter Psychic types, and Heavy Slam and Poison Jab are to take out Fairy types. Why not? Dazzling Gleam: Route 123 near the Berry Master's house, given by a Fairy Girl Froslass @ Expert Belt / Wise Glasses There are some strategies used in a Nuzlocke that arent necessarily helpful in a casual run, like equipping specific berries. - Dragon Pulse - Fire Fang - Sludge Bomb Don't evolve Vibrava until Level 47, so it can learn Boomburst. Crunch is very helpful against Ghost types, as the team doesnt have any Pokmon with STAB Dark or Ghost moves. Thunderbolt- Good power, STAB Which is better? - Surf (HM) / Dig (TM)*. - Rock Smash - Psycho Cut Skarmory is a very defensive Pokemon. This is much more reliable than gambling on random encounters, and its often a large timesaver. For this Hariyama, Thick Fat is preferred so it can tank more Ice and Fire moves. Waterfall: It's an HM. - Dive (HM) The other moves are pretty self explanatory, although you can use a mixed set with Psychic > Zen Headbutt for accuracy. - Cut (HM) High Attack and Speed but low Special Attack and defenses. Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free. P.S. - Surf Ability: Blaze - Earthquake Focus Blast / False Swipe: False Swipe to help catch stuff, but Focus Blast is a great power move. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please, Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. - Waterfall: HM05, you need it to complete the game Flamethrower The other HM Slave of the team, your game's respective Lati Twin. Surf is good for dealing with pesky Fire types. Kecleon @ Expert Belt Swampert is very strong. Strength and Cut are half-STAB, half-HM (more on Surf later), Rock Smash is an HM and is also great for Heart Scale farming, and Shadow Claw does good damage to the Ghosts that Linoone doesn't like. Medicham @ Medichamite Supersalamence93 here bringing you another Pokemon Team builder. What is a good in-game team for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? - Magical Leaf Thunderbolt is Manectric's main STAB, and Flamethrower is its main coverage. - Ice Beam The Dragon that only becomes available after the 8th gym and is horribly underleveled when you get it. - Shadow Ball Also, I must respectfully disagree with you on Aggron and Surf. Thunder Wave- Paralyzes target Of course Ghost is a problem, but if your entire team is wiped and Linoone is your only surviving Pokemon, you're in serious trouble anyway. While it is an HM slave, I do recommend you use it in battle as well. Make sure to use the Move Relearner on Gardevoir to get Moonbast. Break Aggrons Sturdy with Quick Attack, and switch to Gyarados on an Earthquake to OHKO with Waterfall. Gardevoir is a great Pokemon in Gen 6 becuase of its new Fairy typing. - Bite (starting move) > X-Scissor (TM80 - Victory Road) For the last move, you can use Rain Dance to work with Swift Swim, or you can use Rock Slide or Hammer Arm for coverage. Dragon Breath Jolteon and Raichu are both amazing, but it can be a little hard to find a Thunder Stone, so another option is Manectric. Hammer Arm for coverage and Ice Punch takes care of the 4x Grass weakness. I didn't have any items left so I just gave her a Pecha Berry. Poison Jab: Main STAB move. - Discharge Gallade Blazer (Blaziken) @ Blazikenite Except for its Mega Evolution which really just makes it kinda OP. Thunder Wave can be used in the same way, since it learns Thunder Wave through levelling up and you get Thunder Wave as a TM quite early in game. Before you ask why I have two Megas on this team, I Mega Evolve a different one depending on the situation. - Leaf Blade Ability: Levitate - Toxic / Toxic Spikes. Surf is preferred over Waterfall because of its higher base power, and Waterfall works better on Gyarados anyways. Close Combat: Great coverage move. Mist Ball/Luster Purge. I gave her Hone Claws so she could land Iron Tail/Stone Edge more often. *TM51 Steel Wing can be found in Granite Cave. - Flamethrower - Needle Arm - High Jump Kick - Nuzzle You can really slap whatever item you want on Roserade; it just depends on what you find around Hoenn. - Dark Pulse - Thunderbolt. Flygon is the powerhouse of the team (it's worth training up Trapinch). - Protect. Iron Tail is STAB anti-Fairy, Stone Edge is also STAB. I also used a Metagross, but you can't get that easily anymore. Ability: Intimidate Your choice of Ralts evolution. Swampert is semi-bipedal. Hariyama I'd keep x-scissor on MSceptile and swap EQ with Leaf storm. - Thunderbolt - Dig - Thunderbolt: TM24 after New Mauville quest This is for a standard team, so just pick Mudkip. Once you get to the Battle Resort, there are a lot of good moves he can learn, including two great STAB moves! Gardevoir @ Miracle Seed / Rocky Helmet Rock Slide: On a small island on Route 134 Yawn. - Ice Beam You can get Tentacruel pretty easily and early on, and it'll serve as good HM slave for all the water you need to deal with in Hoenn. - Calm Mind TM26 Earthquake can be found in the Sea Floor Cavern. It can be given a Wacan Berry in case Salamence connects with a Thunder Punch, but its very difficult to lose this battle. Frost Breath is better in most cases, because it'll be 120 STAB rather than 90, bar random Shell Armour Pokemon. Swellow and Sharpedo are also constantly in the party, while Blaziken, Gardevoir and Manectric are constantly rotated, that way by the time I get to the Pokmon League I'll have a full party of six that are battle ready. - Waterfall - Earthquake Second of all I have some changes you can make. Ability: Guts Same with Earthquake. Acrobatics is by far the strongest STAB move, with 110 BP per turn (provided Crobat isnt holding anything). TM10 Hidden Power can be obtained in Fortree City. You can teach Manectric Thunder Wave if you don't get the Hidden Power type you want, or for when you are about to catch a Legendary Pokmon. What is a good in-game team for Sun and Moon? Ability: Clear Body / Liquid Ooze Ability: Pickup if you want to change a move be. Plus, he has a Mega Evolution and an Electric type immunity. [emailprotected] Item Swampert @Swampertite/Whatever else you'd like Of course this doesn't always work, but the moveset I run on Ninetales highlights its strengths and covers my team pretty well. - False Swipe / Swords Dance Sludge Bomb is STAB, Flamethrower is just for some coverage, Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball covers his only weakness in Psychic, and Will-O-Wisp/Infestation/Toxic is for chip damage, adding to his walling role. Pickup is super useful as well, hence why it has no item. Ability: Trace / Synchronize > Pixilate Earth Power- Good power, STAB Each of these Pokmon brings a lot to the team. This is the newest addition to the team. He has high defenses and Attack so make sure you have physical hits if you swap any moves out. Raichu is fast enough to not need Quick Attack. - Iron Tail. - Psychic - Rock Slide / Aerial Ace / Shadow Claw. (Assuming you don't throw out Mega Sceptile in front of Glacia or something), Sceptile @ Sceptilite The Ability doesnt matter much, but it was fun to block Drakes Flygons from using Ground moves after Levitate was Traced. Swampert is a good defensive Pokemon, boasting key resistances to common attacking types such as Rock, Electric, Steel, Fire, and Poison-types. Strength - Astonish (starting move) > Poison Fang (Level 27). I must say, I would prefer Rock Slide, if I needed coverage on fire types. Steel-typing gives it good resistances and pretty good STAB moves throughout the game. - Shadow Claw - Earthquake - Air Slash / Fly Ice Punch is a move tutor move, and the move tutors are only at the end of the game. It was replaced with Shadow Ball once Wallace was defeated. - Moonblast: Level 62 or Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town Both Bite and X-Scissor are fairly useless for when theyre used, but theres not much Crobat needs other than Acrobatics. - Metal Sound. - Earthquake. Swampert @ Swampertite Giving Mega Swampert 152 Speed EVs is for out speeding Pokemon in rain not faster than Mega Sceptile, his arch enemy. - Extrasensory - Waterfall / Surf / Dive Gardevoir doesn't have any great abilities, but on a rare occasion Trace can help in some cool ways. Share Playthrough), Sceptile @ Sceptilite (I SR'd for a Shiny - it was worth it lol) - Dive / Ice Beam. - Energy Ball TM Earthquake: Seafloor Cavern (on the main path, can't miss it) Ability: Levitate That said, you can take advantage of Crobat's high Speed and good Attack to end most Pokemon quickly with STAB Acrobatics and Cross Poison. Ability: Thick Fat Aggron has high Defense that can help it serve as an effective tank. Various HMs: Given throughout the main story (Gift) Altaria @ Altarianite Kiwi (Dodrio) @ King's Rock Medicham is a great Pokemon with good stats and a good movepool. Crobat - Poison/Flying Really useful to be able to use that powerful attack and have no recoil.