Commissioning briefs, new opportunities and contacts, BBC and NBCUniversal co-commission hit format Destination X, BBC Factual announces Mumbai: City of Dreams, Once Upon A Time in Northern Ireland tells extraordinary human stories from those who lived through The Troubles, BBC Arts announces an exciting new raft of films for its flagship strand Arena on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer this spring, The BBC announces new drama Kidnapped (w/t), Wall To Wall whip up Nadiya's simple spices for BBC Two and BBC iPlayer, Stacey Dooley: Ready for War? Under the provisions of the Communications Act 2003, the BBC is required to publish and comply with a Code of Practice for agreeing the terms for the commissioning of qualifying independent productions. The BBC will continue to commission the best ideas to inform, educate and entertain. Our Network and Nations teams work closely to ensure we are editorially aligned, supporting the most exciting producers, and commissioning the most ambitious programmes that reflect audiences across the length and breadth of the UK. Pitch helps us manage the huge volume of ideas we receive, ensure fairness, comply with our commitments, and keep track of the progress of individual ideas. the BBC has the sole and exclusive option to commission, use and/or exploit Additional Material subject only to the independent producer's rights under paragraph 4 below. "Not applicable" should be added to such sections. Agreed on 16 October 2013, with updates agreed on 5 May 2020 and 25 November 2021, by: "Additional Material" is material is based on or related to the Programme and/or the Format (as defined in the General Terms) to include, by way of example only, material such as out-takes, behind the scenes footage, cast interviews, biographies, mini-episodes, highlight packages, preview packages, clips, applications and non-disc based games designed primarily to support and/or enhance the public service Programme offering etc (for the avoidance of doubt, this is not intended to include disc based/high production value commercial game propositions or other Merchandising Rights). The BBC shall be entitled to a period of exclusivity for the exercise of its rights before any commercial exploitation takes place, as follows: Day 1 following either (i) 1st exercise of the BBC Public Service Rights for programmes commissioned for BBC Three (or relevant episode, thereof), or 1st BBC TX or 7 days following first BBC Public Service use of the relevant episode for Programmes commissioned other than for BBC Three, or (ii) 6 months from acceptance of Full Delivery, whichever is the earlier. The role combines BBC Workforce and Creative Diversity responsibilities to ensure strategic oversight of all the BBCs diversity commitments. Please see thedelivery timelinefor a full list of the assets to be delivered as part of a standard BBC programme commission. 2% of the primary rights licence fee paid for the relevant series or episode in order for the BBC to purchase an additional year of exclusive use on any online, interactive television or other new media services forming part of the BBC Public Services and each such purchase of an additional 12 months shall reduce the length of the licence period by 12 months,except for BBC Three whereby it reduces by 6 months. Every idea has different considerations, but generally BBC television aims to work to the following timescales: *These timescales may need to be varied on individual ideas for project specific reasons (for example due to access or talent availability). The opportunity is open to all producers who fulfil the eligibility criteria and the production must qualify as Wales under the Ofcom criteria. Our commissioners All our commissioners work with production companies from across the UK, and some have an additional remit to support indies based in specific Nations and English regions to help. c)The BBC has publishedheretheprinciples and guidelines its adopts from time to time when considering requests for consent to use the programme brand in connection with commercial websites, apps, and social media activity in or accessible from the UK, as referred to in section 4.3(2) below. ii. See separate table for principles for A/V content commissions. Read the Business framework below or visit theA-Z pagetodownload previous versions of the Business framework and Terms of trade. The production must deliver the programme in accordance with the Commissioning specification on or before the agreed delivery date set out in the Commissioning specification. Programme ideas for BBC television are submitted via the online proposal system BBC Pitch. To be adopted to new commissions from 25 November 2021. Tariffs mainly benefit the importing countries, as they are the ones setting the policy and receiving the money. The Schedule of residuals lists all the writers, contributors, copyright material and music to be referenced for any repeat fees. Occasionally we may also issue an invitation to pitch for a specific programme or subject area, or hold a competitive tendering process where production companies can pitch to make an existing series on a work for hire basis. The Business framework sets out these Terms of trade and includes information about licence periods, exclusivity, distribution, funding and payments as well as additional materials. Your budgeting should not assume that the BBC will . If a new commercial opportunity arises either at the point of commission or after commission BBC will consider it taking into account its impact on the BBCs interest in maximising public value for the licence fee payer. However, there are many other ways that you can work with the BBC and develop your career in the broadcasting industry. Copyright in content commissioned in accordance with the BBCs Code of Practice shall remain vested in the producer who created it. Any reliance that you may choose to place on any such opinion or guidance shall not, unless specifically agreed in writing by the BBC, be deemed to waive your obligations or warranties under the terms of your Programme production agreement. b) For the avoidance of doubt, for Programmes commissioned other than for BBC Three only, the BBC may elect at any time during its licence period which two packages it intends to use as part of the primary rights licence fee and the first BBC transmission of the programme includes the right to a free narrative repeat (meaning within 7 days of the original transmission) of the programme on the same or any digital BBC channel. Instead residuals should be captured via the online system, For BBC England, please email the form to the BBC programme delivery contact and additionally to the BBC business affairs contact and, BBC Studios productions capture residuals via the, The value of the programme to the schedule, The level of up-front third party investment, if any, that the programme could reasonably expect to attract in the marketplace, The price will include a production fee paid to the independent producer in line with the Terms of trade, The price will be inclusive of any development funding paid by the BBC on a programme. It may be possible for the BBC to agree a reduced licence period. We are committed to treating ideas fairly, transparently and on merit, regardless of which supplier submits them. Please note: members of the public with complaints or comments about BBC services should see theBBC Help and Feedback websitefor ways to get in touch. Failure to deliver the programme by this date will mean that the company is in breach of the Programme production agreement. From January 2022 all new commissions will be required to achieve certification. Other parts of the BBC commission and procure content, goods and services using different processes. Please note that approval of a draft agreement by business affairs does not imply approval of any proposed credit (such approval is an editorial matter). a) In accounting to the BBC for its share of Net Revenue, the Producer shall ensure that the recoupment of any Agreed Recoupments shall occur in the order in which the revenue was received by the Producer (or its Distributor if the Distributor is reporting directly to the BBC) to ensure that the BBCs20%entitlement to Net Revenue(as referred to in paragraph 7 below)is applied to a fair and appropriate apportionment of the receipts, where the receipts relate to a combination of distribution rights attracting differing BBC back end shares as set out above. The digital services sector is a swift-moving dynamic global market with multiple diverse players. Channel 4 is in the process of reviewing commissioning tariffs and said "for some years now we have been assessing each production budget on the basis of realistic costs rather than sticking . Programme Clips for Permanent Download-to-Own e.g. Five companies have been chosen to take part in a pilot phase of the scheme, aimed at growing network production capacity and helping locally-based indies to succeed. Seeking engaging and high-quality programmes representing the best in global filmmaking, with unique access to subjects and a wide range of perspectives on the world that will resonate with audiences across the UK. In all publication, promotion, exploitation, and other use of or reference to the content, there will be appropriate attribution to the BBC and its brand. Share of revenue from commercial exploitation is decided on a case by case basis. d) the BBC recognises that other stakeholders (for example the producer itself and any commercial distributors) may have invested in the content. Wales -BBC Wales Podcast Questions or follow-up conversations with BBC Wales -BBC Sounds Commissioning Top-Up Round Tariffs (Guide Price Only): -Strand (a weekly podcast of 25 episodes or more): approx. Mammals, Wild Scandinavia and Big Little Journeys commissioned by Jack Bootle, Head of Commissioning, Specialist Factual. We are committed to supporting the UK creative sector - actively backing a broad range of producers, offering breaks for brilliant new talent, building partnerships, and baking diversity into. Any relevant details should be included in a separate document, called Schedule 9, which will also form part of the final contract. We ensure sustainability is baked into our commissioning process in the following ways: We aim to share, collaborate and contribute to a more sustainable broadcasting industry through our continued collaboration with the Bafta albert consortium and by partnering with other broadcasters and organisations to share best practice, promote efficiency and stimulate demand for greener products and services. Download a template Standard development agreement (pdf). The price the BBC pays for a programme is determined by a number of factors including: Download information about Programme prices and tariff ranges (pdf). This is commissioning that does not fall within the business framework for Television. Here We Go is produced by BBC Studios Comedy Productions for BBC One and BBC iPlayer and is distributed internationally by BBC Studios. Examples of current BBC strategic projects include the BBCs requirement for a broader set of public service rights in order to include a programme in the BBCs permanent collection; or to meet BBC Learnings strategic objectives online; or if a programme is commissioned for BBC Alba; or where the BBC agrees to assume specific commercial risks on behalf of the independent producer. Two years after setting out a transformational Across the UK blueprint, the BBC is ahead of target to meet and exceed the commitment to 60% of Network TV Whilst the BBC has a subsisting re-commissioning right in the Programme: If the BBC wishes to exercise such option: Whether or not the BBC commissions or licences Additional Material as referred to in paragraph 3 above, the independent producer may, with prior notification to the BBC, exploit Additional Material in the following manner: as part of the exploitation of the DVD and Commercial Download Rights in the Programme in accordance with the General Terms; and, as part of any permitted Programme sale to the UK secondary television and video-on-demand market in accordance with the BBC's Programme Release Policy; and. the independent producer must secure the BBC's prior written consent in relation to any use or exploitation of the Additional Material in the UK other than as set out in paragraph 4 below; and. as part of any international Programme exploitation (i.e. Pact and/or the BBC will be entitled to request evidence from the producer regarding the application of any such surplus. Read about our approach to external linking. funded with producer deficit or deferral, then the BBC shall provide some indication of its reasonably likely intention to acquire additional availability under paragraph 6(a)(iii) or 6(a)(iv), and must formally exercise its option after the first use by the BBC for the first additional window and within the first 6 months of a current window for any subsequent additional windows. In respect of the exclusive additional VOD window referred to above in paragraph 6(a)(iii), if exercised after previously exercising an additional non-exclusive VOD window set out above in paragraph 6(a)(iv), this requires the consent of the Producer.