Unlike Katsuki's mother, his father has a rather calm personality, and tries to get through to his son, but his short temper prevents it. His concern with only his own goals and ambitions has often confused fans, given his future career. Izuku's presence always irritating him and even shouting at him for no reason. Villa Raid Team vs. Paranormal Liberation Front, Villa Raid Team & Trainees vs. Paranormal Liberation Front, Hospital Raid Team & Trainees vs. Tomura Shigaraki, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He was briefly worried when Katsuki wanted to take down Class 1-B but impressed by his strategy. They have a shared past, as they attended the same middle school. NEXT: My Hero Academia: 10 Ways Deku Ruined His Likeability. This can be seen as Eijiro went to Katsuki for studying for the midterms since the latter scored higher than him. Mitsuki is one of the only people who can really talk back to Katsuki without him exploding in rage.[1]. Regardless of whether he means it literally or not, telling someone to "die" doesn't come across as a good catchphrase for a hero. A perfect example is when he denounced his win in the U.A. Like his wife, he clearly loves his son very much and does not approve of his son's arrogant attitude. Katsuki recalls All Might saying he and the current number one hero are similar and his training may change his behavior. It's clear that he doesn't hold much respect for other people, which isn't the best trait for someone training to be a hero. Todoroki- Icy-Hot, Half And Half bastard, Katy Perry. izuku is deku and various plays on nerd (dumb nerd, shitty nerd, etc) uraraka is round face, pink cheeks in the dub. While their status as an exclusive friend-group is a fanon concept, many of their individual friendships are strongly established, making their canon-status semi-canon. FANON Despite his teasing, Denki was intimidated by Katsuki in the Final Exams Arc but agreed with the latter's point of mastering his Quirk. The two later came to blows in the Provisional Hero License Exam but didn't interact that much after their first encounter. A big part of fanon Bakusquad is how Katsuki really sees the other members. Kirishima and Kaminari also stand near each other often. In the end, neither got their provisional licenses and had to take remedial lessons. Even his classmates pick up on this, taunting him jokingly during the rare moments where he isn't yelling. He willingly fought alongside Izuku who temporarily gave him One for All. Bakuboi - cute nickname for someone sharing Bakugou's personality. Katsuki is recognized as the groups leader, as the name BakuSquad suggests. Like the rest of his classmates, Katsuki was deeply shocked upon learning of Yuga's betrayal and remarked on how it was a small world with him being Quirkless and receiving a Quirk from All For One, comparing him to Izuku in that regard. His pride is also the reason as to why he would sometimes lose a battle. He enjoys eating spicy food, and mountain climbing. RELATED: My Hero Academia: 10 Anime Heroes Who Would Hate Bakugo. He strongly believes in his own worth and sees himself as better than everyone else. They met again at the U.A. kirishima is shitty hair. High School, wherein the training match between Izuku and Katsuki, All Might scolded Katsuki for his reckless and cruel fighting style that could have killed Izuku. My Hero Academia In Forest Training Camp Arc, when the students are cooking, Ochaco notices Katsuki's knife handling skills and was surprised by his efficiency, to which he yells at her, asking what's so surprising, unexpected about it, and rudely questions her, how she can be so bad with a knife. As I need ideas for Class 1-A ASAP. In their first interaction, Shota had restrained Katsuki for nearly attacking Izuku and from that moment, he took to looking over Katsuki more than any other student due to his violent and irresponsible behavior. Katsuki was shown to be athletically skilled, even before he manifested his quirk, and often received praise from others, including Izuku. Katsuki is shown to care aggressively for his friends, becoming annoyed when they do dangerous things, but masking his concern with disdain. During his fight with Izuku, he admitted that he blamed himself for All Might's retirement and current state after being kidnapped and after the battle with All For One. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. Katsuki tends to call Seiji "Meat", referring to Seiji's Quirk. Will Bakugou's Hero Name Be Kacchan? Later on, Denki even got away with calling him Kacchan, a name Izuku calls the latter. Type (?) 2 3. Most people would just assume that Bakugo is the average thug who couldn't care less about his grades, but that's not true. Tsunagu thought it was a terrible name, but did not say so out loud. Instead, he calls people by shallow nicknames that, more . When Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku arrive for their work studies, Endeavor makes it no secret that he is uninterested in training anyone else other than his son. With the construction of my most recent post, I have discovered that it is, in fact, very difficult to find a set list of nicknames that Bakugo uses on his classmates. Also sometimes I call Bakugou "Nathan Explosion," and people call Fatgum's thin form "Fitgum." It is actually this sense of calm that allows his classmates to see him in a different light and look up to him for how well he does in battles. Summary: This is mainly for me to use as reference whenever I write as Kacchan, but feel free to use this if you're struggling to come up with nicknames for your own fics. Afterward, Izuku made an out-of-nowhere confession of possessing a borrowed Quirk which Katsuki seemingly did not believe. Katsuki refers to him as "Tape Arms" or "Soy Sauce Face". To guide you with the best nicknames for Bakugou, we have prepared a list right below . After said flashback ends, Katsuki immediately rushes towards Izuku while he's fighting Tomura, going as far as to telling Endeavor that his next attack should be worth it. Every Akatsuki Member's Best Fight In Naruto. Interestingly, Deku isn't even aware of this fact. However, it mostly got in the way of him making friends and working with a team. [35], During Joint Training Arc, Shota complimented Katsuki's willingness to cooperate with his team, which led to his victory. Mitsuki stated that it was due to Katsuki's own weakness that caused him to be kidnapped by the League of Villains; showing her blatant disapproval of his attitude and behavior due to his Quirk. This was seen when he and Eijiro laughed at Katsuki's haircut by Best Jeanist and his punishment from his fight with Izuku. It seems they have a friendly relationship as they both get along with Eijiro and seem to work together well. Katsuki understood and promised to keep the latter's secret from others becoming one of the few to the truth of All Might's powers.[33]. He is a student at U.A High school in Class 1-A, and he is constantly training to become one of the greatest fighters of all time; a Pro Hero. There's a random page from the BNHA ULTRA ANALYSIS book where it shows a couple of Bakugou's insulting nicknames as well as some counterattacks from other students (not from Class A). Eijiro Kirishima [12][13], After Class A managed to wear Izuku down, Katsuki confessed his true feelings to Izuku, how he always felt Izuku was above him despite him being Quirkless and why he was mean to him all those years. Despite Katsuki's aggressive nature, All Might acknowledges him as a promising hero but has repeatedly attempted to guide him whenever possible. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. 1. There's no canon rivalry between the two groups, but the rivalry between their namesakes Bakugou and Deku is enough for the fandom to support the idea. Friends/Classmates Katsuki and Minoru share a rather negative and antagonistic relationship with one another. After some time, he is shown to acknowledge his growing change, and he has likewise shown to be a large motivator in pushing the class forward. Eijirou is the closest to Bakugou as shown. Bakugone - perfect name for someone ready to explode. and Mina bluntly replies, "No." RELATED:My Hero Academia: Suneater & 9 Other Students With Weird Quirks. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. [37], Katsuki has nicknamed Tsunagu "Denim Head".[12]. Character She has shown to tolerate Katsuki's personality more often than others in the class. Art by Ambarsenpai on Deviantart As noted by Izuku, Eijiro is the only one in their class who can call out to help Katsuki without hurting Katsuki's pride, which was proven true as Katsuki didn't hesitate to grab his hand when he was rescued.[16]. Plus, it doesn't matter whether he's addressing friends or enemies; he's just constantly yelling at anyone he engages with to "die.". Katsuki and Seiji display a mutual dislike for each other and they are polar opposites in regards to becoming heroes. This had left a lasting impact on him, as he did not know what to do after the fact, the guilt being so strong that it actually brought tears to Katsuki's eyes. Bakugo calls Hanta Sero "soy sauce face" or "flat face" due to how plain and indistinct Sero's appearance is. Though reluctant, Katsuki got the message and finally worked together with Izuku and willingly protected him from All Might so he could get to the finish line. He has come to terms with Deku's power, and seemingly understands that it would be impossible to match his friend in terms of pure strength anymore. I'm after nicknames for nicknames that Bakugou use for his classmates, and for the students for Class 1-B. Tomura was so infuriated with Katsuki that he kills him despite everyone trying to stop him. Bakugo takes everything he does to aridiculous level of intensity, often causing him to come across as excessively extreme. When they meet again, Katsuki revealed his hero name: Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight to him. Reputation 8 52. It's clear he has little patience and even less self-restraint, causing him to come across as extremely annoying. Bakugou's Nicknames for Everyone. Despite his consistent popularity among My Hero Academia fans, Bakugo has more than his fair share of unlikable traits. In other words, Katsuki and Shoto appear to be somewhat neutral with each other, with the latter not hesitating to interact with Katsuki in a relaxed way. At the beginning of the series, Bakugo was a horrible bully to Midoriya, the most extreme instance being when, very early in the series, he encouraged Midoriya to kill himself so he can develop a Quirk in his next life. He taunts him over his weakness and lack of strength in comparison to Izuku, and that the only reason he's interested in him anymore is because of his connection to Izuku. The place to come for fanfiction that takes place in or uses characters from the Boku no Hero Academia manga & anime. Although he can be seen as arrogant and unkind, and extremely aggressive, he actually becomes very involved with the other heroes and helps them whenever he can. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield. Updated onFebruary23rd, 2021 by Ajay Aravind: With the extension of the manga storyline (and the release of season 4), Bakugo's character is a lot more complex than ever before. as I'm starting a story where a female Bakugou starts U.A and begins to give nicknames to his classmates, seeing how she doesn't feel like she needs to remember their names and so use nicknames. Bakugo, the explosive, hot headed rival to Midoriya, is a character that is loved by many thanks to his short temper and curt exchanges with his classmates in Class 1-A at UA Academy. Katsuki seems to at least respect Izuku as a fighter and a rival, going as far as to point out a weakness of the latter's Shoot Style.[7]. He cares very little about the opinions of any of his classmates and demonstrates as much again and again. . So, if you have any names, old or new, please let me know as I'm starting a story where a female Bakugou starts U.A and begins to give nicknames to his classmates, seeing how she doesn't feel like she needs to remember their names and so use nicknames. Are there any new names would you like to see? Though Bakugo did manage to win the original student tournament, defeating all challengers in his way, his terrible demeanor proved that the hero community is always a tad stand off-ish when it comes to inviting the young hothead to their ranks. He first met the famed hero in person when the latter saved Katsuki after he was attacked by the Sludge Villain. He is the comic relief in many ways for the anime, as it is his constant yelling that has not only fans, but even the characters in the show cracking up. [9] Then, as Izuku continues to fight Tomura despite breaking his arms multiple times, Katsuki goes up to help Izuku, and when Tomura attacks Izuku with his Rivet Stab, as he describes it, Katsuki's body moves on its own to save Izuku, getting himself stabbed. That was Deku's nickname for him. Because of how insignificant Katsuki is right there, Tomura doesn't consider him a threat anymore and has no longer any interest in him. After his match against Ochaco, Katsuki still wants nothing to do with her, and he considers her to be irritable, just like he considers Izuku irritable. He may be young, but he takes fighting seriously, and because of that, when he fights, he's incredibly calm. So, if you have any names, old or new, please let me know. kasuki. There, Katsuki told Izuku his deduction on All Might and All For One and correctly deduced Izuku's Quirk was given to him by All Might. Bakugo . All Might is especially proud of this change; he states that the reason Bakugohas become so helpful with Deku's regimen is because it's a form of repentance for his earlier behavior. He is often seen telling people off for not dusting! Katsuki seems to consider calling someone their real name a sign of respect; thus why he only does this with Eijiro. Kirisquad, Minasquad, Serosquad, Kamisquad, Denkisquad, Tapesquad. He takes on the role of mom-friend in some cases, as not to allow his friends to get hurt. Bakugo's nicknames for his classmates have definitely lost him likeability points. They are later paired up on the same team during the Class 1-A vs Class 1-B trials. This definitely doesn't help his likability, and only causes people to question his true allegiances. Hanta and Katsuki tend to be in close proximity due to their friendships with Eijiro. At the beginning of their battle he insulted her facial features, much to her shock. As he is very active and likes to push himself to the limit, it also makes sense that he would enjoy mountain climbing, which takes a lot of endurance. In return, Seiji believes Katsuki is vulgar and undeserving of becoming a hero. Ironically, Deku takes even longer. Katsuki now works with Izuku and is less malicious towards him. Even after the Provisional Hero License Exam, Seiji and Katsuki do not get along at all and were not pleased to see the other in the remedial lessons. "Raccoon eyes" for Ashido, "half-and-half bastard" for Todoroki, "ears" for Jiro, or "ponytail girl" for Momo these are just some examples of how he refers to his classmates, which definitely do not come across positively. Katsuki and Izuku were playmates during their early childhood. Sports Festival and tried to beat him. "And you're my dino chicken nugget!" Kaminari grinned, pulling Bakugou down to give him a kiss. [26] Katsuki doesn't bear any ill will to Neito until the latter takes his bandana in the U.A. Katsuki Bakugou He constantly yells at others and is often incredibly mean to the students around him. He was also angry and embarrassed that he had to be saved by All Might when he was kidnapped and even refused to thank him. However, he was surprised when Izuku ran into danger to save him from the Sludge Villain inspiring All Might to take action in spite of his time limit. He doesn't like deception, which is why he'd rather fight a battle to the death instead oftricking others to save himself. These words Katsuki also seemed surprised to learn of the hero having gone missing, and despite the immense irritation he displayed during his internship, when asked by his classmates if he would return to Best Jeanist for the second round of Work-Study, Katsuki stated that he didn't know, rather than outright refusing to return. He calls Kyoka . This is so beautiful! He absolutely refuses to settle for anything no matter what it is, which leads to difficult situations where he feels like he has to prove his worth. Ktuki. Bakugo's nicknames for his classmates are the best . Sports Festival because Todoroki wouldn't fight him with his full power. Katsuki met Camie during the Gang Orca trial. I'm after nicknames for nicknames that Bakugou use for his classmates, and for the students for Class 1-B. Best Nicknames For Bakugou: A nickname can be defined as a substitute for someone's real name. If anything that kind of fits in with the rest of his personality traits. Katsuki first saw him in person during his supplemental class where they had to help the children behave properly and open up. Yet, even after his death, when the heroes attempt to revive Katsuki, Tomura starts to panic, realizing that despite his initial claims, Katsuki was able to injure him and can't comprehend that an "extra" like him could do all that to him. This reveals that deep down, Katsuki truly feels remorse for bullying Izuku and is now attempting to make amends with him. The page is . [23] Nevertheless, Katsuki still expressed anger at Yuga, due to him being the reason he was kidnapped and went on to say that he'd like to give him a few Howitzer Impacts before they would be considered even, only for Hanta and Eijiro to defend their classmate for having suffered in silence.[24]. He nearly attacked him for answers before he was restrained by Shota Aizawa. Cookie Notice All Might has commented that their family is the most dysfunctional one he has ever seen. Though during the Remedial Course Arc, while trying to tame the bad behaving kids, Katsuki mentions they need some violence as that is how his parents raised him. Though, Katsuki seems to have some mean nicknames for some. Also Known As Nicknames for Bakugou. Katsuki even attacked Tomura and stood defiant at the latter's possible retaliation. Katsuki is hinted at piecing together Izuku's relationship to All Might, as he gave a subtle remark about Izuku's given power, meaning he now believes Izuku's word of getting a Quirk.[5]. Although his advice has often fallen on deaf ears and All Might is often unsettled by Katsuki's behavior, be it his aggression or his reckless drive. After their battle in the Sports Festival, Katsuki despised Shoto for not giving him a battle worthy enough of being called Number 1. For the most part, they don't seem to be on bad terms even though Katsuki got irritated with him reprimanding him for fighting Izuku and still refers to him by a nickname. Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. During the U.A. And even though he has grown into a better person over the course of the show, he still has not apologized to Midoriya for the way he treated him. Likely unintentionally so, this is one of the funniest nicknames he has for his classmates, as it completely reduces them to exactly what they are: extras in the series. Due to her blunt nature, Tsuyu remarked on Katsuki's slim chances of becoming a hero and growing popular, much to the latter's irritation, calling her "frog face. During the Final Exams Arc, he made a promise to defeat Shoto after he just swore to take Izuku down as well.