A%Va6Ko; d4T+Oc{[i@V#[@ Another $1,500 will cover the cost of having Dixie Youth Baseball World Series uniforms. 382 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<924D186C766B2D49A518FFB7F83020CD>]/Index[350 53]/Info 349 0 R/Length 143/Prev 125093/Root 351 0 R/Size 403/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream endstream endobj startxref }eTfb`k7]Tvr>a~ n2EL7V010[ " % Thats usually around 9:45 p.m. EDT this time of year. Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; Print; Copy article link; Save; Dixie Youth Baseball plans tournament. Our expertise in hosting baseball and softball tournaments in a quality manner has paid off in a big way, Minor said. 65 Years "Then and Now" 2023 Best of DBB "Hits & Highlights" . The admission charge will be $1 less for all remaining days of the tournament. 9, 2021 at 3:37 PM CDT Montgomery Biscuits. Alabama August *4 - 9 Division I Coaches Meeting *8:00 am Division I AAA World Series Tuscaloosa, Alabama Division I "O"Zone World Series Tuscaloosa, Alabama. There was no tournament last year because of COVID-19, but those boys of summer are back this year and on another impressive run in 11 & 12-year-old play. 2023 Season Information. The viral TikTok quiz, explained, Woman dies in Tuscaloosa County wreck Saturday, Bright Spots: Preschool hero gets teacher help when she needed it most. Tuscaloosa Apartment Shooting + NFL Draft Wraps Up, One Injured In Saturday Shooting At Hay Court Apartments, Sokol Park Car Burglaries + Longtime TCHS Coach, Teacher Dies, T-Mobile Tuesdays: Get Free Stuff And Great Perks Every Week, Check Out 5 New Homes For Sale In Tuscaloosa Area, University Of Alabama: Interim Classes Offer Unique Learning Opportunities, Boys & Girls Clubs In Northport + New UA Honors College Dean, Tuscaloosa Public Library To Kick Off Summer With Free Northport Event. You could definitely say all hands were on deck as many community members involved in youth programs volunteered to help with field care, admissions, announcing, and many other parts of hosting a tournament with hundreds of daily attendees. Youth Baseball Tee Ball (ages 4-5) Coach Pitch (ages 6-7) Pre-Minor (age 8) Dixie Minor (ages 9-10) Dixie Youth (ages 11-12) Dixie Boys (ages 13-14) Dixie Pre-Majors . division i aaa & "o"zone state tournaments: 7/14: lincoln co. 2023 state tournaments : north carolina: begins location: division i aa state . Sixteen teams from across the state piled into Greenville on Friday, July 9, for the opening ceremonies. ALABAMA DIXIE SOFTBALL Home; Districts. ARPA Track and Field State Meet: EPRD: 06/05/2023 - 06/10/2023: USSSA Regional Tournament: EPRD: 06/16/2023 - 06/18/2023: Dixie Softball District Tournament: EPRD: 09/23/2023 - 09/24/2023: Travel Ball USA Tournament: Jerry Strauss: 12/02/2023: USFA Softball: . Tournament photographer Joey D'Anna takes a team photo during opening ceremonies for the Dixie Youth State Rookie Tournament at Lamar Field at Oxford High School Thursday afternoon. Valley Parks & Recreation Director Laurie Blount said she had been contacted by representatives of the Alabama state tournament and was told that everyone should be proud of the way Valley people behaved. Supporting Dixie Youth Baseball in the northwest communities of Alabama. The exact dates, expected to be early August 2023, will be announced at a later date. This past weekend the City of Greenville hosted the Dixie Youth Baseball organization State Tournament in Alabama for AAA, which is for players 10 and under. The Lakeshore Indians Dixie Youth Majors Eastbank, Parish, State and Regional Champions 2021 represented JPRD as Team Louisiana in the World Series last summer in Laurel, Mississippi. WVUA 23 engages consumers on multiple platforms with relevant and essential news, weather, sports and entertainment content for the communities of West Alabama, the Birmingham DMA and the larger University of Alabama community. For more information contact tournament coordinator Michael Hourel at 334-504-0230. District 4 will begin there pool play section of there mid season tournament April 30 at 6:00 Host are Holtville Eclectic Marbury . State Program Tournament Name Tournament Date/s Location ALABAMA Junior Boys (age 13) State Tournament July 9-12 . For more information on Dixie Youth Baseball USA, go to youth.dixie.org. Previous locally held state baseball and softball tournaments have always been a boost to the economy. The 16-team tournament will be played in a double-elimination format beginning at 4 p.m. Friday. %%EOF Regular price $0 50 $0.50. A free swim will be taking place at the indoor pool from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), PHOTOS: Second annual Reed Foundation Gala, Rep. All rights reserved. Editor's Note: Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Deputy State Director Dale Phillips, who gave a statement in the official PARA press release, is the father of the author of this story. Whats more American than baseball? T2 A Have a news tip or suggestion on how I can improve Tuscaloosa Patch? 2022 WORLD SERIES RECORDS. Sep 30, 2022. 2022 DSI HONORS & AWARDS. Have a news tip or suggestion on how I can improve Tuscaloosa Patch? Site Links. Published 7:08 am Wednesday, June 30, 2021. Auburn wins Alabama 2022 DBB State Tournament 2022-07-12 06:15 PDT by Alabama Boys/Majors Baseball ( 1 Comment ) Auburn Boys won the 2022 DBB State Tournament at West Ridge Park in Opelika! Ages for teams in this weekend's tournament range from 6 to 12. hN1_eQBr The true extent of the boost is hard to determine, but in any given restaurant in Greenville you were sure to notice young baseball players, their coaches, and families. There was no tournament last year because of COVID-19, but those boys of summer are [] endstream endobj 1237 0 obj <>stream Pitch Smart. The Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority and Tuscaloosa Tourism & Sports will host the event. hbbd```b``"g;@$dyf`q`80@;\b{pX@"@{("3U In addition to players, the tournament also brings 13,000 or more parents, friends and relatives to the host city, which officials said results in a regional economic impact of more than $5.6 million. DBB Offering Youth Baseball For Over 65 Years. Search. Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority, Forrester Gardens tenants upset moving from motel to motel, Every member of the Alabama senate supports cutting sales tax on groceries, Tuscaloosa City Schools host job fair to staff up for next school year, Former Fitness One in front of Northport Medical Center is coming down, Aspen Village shooting death under investigation, 1 dead 2 injured after road collapse in Eutaw Tuesday, Soldier, poet, or king? VALLEY Two years ago, a 9 and 10-year-old youth baseball all-star team made the city proud by winning the Alabama state title and advancing to a Dixie Youth World Series tournament in North Carolina, where they won the championship. 2023 League Roster Forms. Which of these major projects underway in Andalusia are you most excited about? Blount invited everyone to this years fireworks show at Valley Sportsplex. The tournament is hosted by the Andalusia 12U All-Stars and will be held from Friday, July 9 until Tuesday, July 13 at Johnson Park. The Community Center will be closed on Sunday and open from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Monday. [ CLOSE ] October 28 - 29, 2023. Youth League. WVUA 23 is a commercial television station owned and operated by the University of Alabama's College of Communication and Information Sciences. 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Ozone State Tournament - Andulusia, Alabama Friday, July 9 Saturday, July 10 Saturday, July 10 Sunday, July 11 Sunday, July 11 Game 29 The World Series Tournament will showcase over 76 youth baseball teams between the ages of nine and 12 from 11 states. The park is fully booked through mid-July, adding further opportunities to boost the local economy. Tuscaloosa Apartment Shooting + NFL Draft Wraps Up, One Injured In Saturday Shooting At Hay Court Apartments, Sokol Park Car Burglaries + Longtime TCHS Coach, Teacher Dies, T-Mobile Tuesdays: Get Free Stuff And Great Perks Every Week, Check Out 5 New Homes For Sale In Tuscaloosa Area, University Of Alabama: Interim Classes Offer Unique Learning Opportunities, Boys & Girls Clubs In Northport + New UA Honors College Dean, Tuscaloosa Public Library To Kick Off Summer With Free Northport Event. We provide students with hands-on learning experiences in an environment that encourages the highest ethical journalistic standards. A total of 48 teams, some from the West Alabama area, and their families are expected to participate in the four-day event, with winners advancing to the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series Tournament in Laurel, Mississippi in August. We are appreciative of the investment from our local governments in providing state-of-the-art facilities and assistance from Tuscaloosa Tourism and Sports, Logan said. TUSCALOOSA, AL Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority (PARA) and Tuscaloosa Tourism & Sports (TTS) on Thursday announced that the 2023 Dixie Youth Baseball (DYB) Division I and II. 02Y - Dixie Youth Vinyl Decal. Ryan Phillips , Patch Staff Posted Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 8:38 pm CT State Tournament 6U & 8U Classic Tournaments July 1-3 12U Classic & 9U State Tournaments 10U Classic & 11U State AAA North/South Regional . Albertville will also be the host site for the state softball tournament. Click here to subscribe to our free Tuscaloosa Daily newsletter and breaking news alerts. Sign in or Create an Account. Im amazed at the turnout. I think they will win it again this year.. TUSCALOOSA, AL Tuscaloosa County Park & Recreation Authority (PARA) will host the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Division II State Tournament June 25-28 at the Bowers Sports Complex in Bowers Park. %PDF-1.6 % Spring 2022 Baseball. s@IFzV!VRxX(Ea^@KE_,7y ({aXCbjZ)bMS)//. They included: Auburn Blue and Orange, Gordo, Andalusia, Opelika, Hueytown, Prattville, AUM, Dothan American, Alexandrian, Decatur American, Rogersville, Municipal American, Rehobeth, Dallas County, and Greenville. Lost or misplaced tickets cannot be replaced. The teams success received a standing ovation from everyone in the council chamber. hb``f``Z $ #0p4 C1c P:S)38zkg2}0antn%aL+Y4) H30(t7@ Church Leagues. 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Ozone State Tournament - Andulusia, AlabamaJohnson Park - 706 Carson Street - Andalusia, Alabama 36420 Saturday, July 10Sunday, July 11Sunday, July 11Monday, July 12Tuesday, July 13 District 11 ChampionsGame 1Field CE 4:00pmDistrict 2 Champions District 4 ChampionsWinner 1Game 16Field 4 11:00amWinner 16 Laurel was the host site of this year's 8U World Series and next year the tournament will be played in Dothan, Alabama. Ages for teams range from 6 to 12. Sep 30, 2022. All-Star game tournament information for all age divisions for State and World Series play 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Division 1 AAA State Tournament Greenville Sportsplex - 449 Mountain View Drive - Greenville, Alabama AUBURN BLUE GORDO ANDALUSIA Field 1 Alabama Weather Guide. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Red Level ends season against Leroy in second round of playoffs, Aveanna Hospice honors volunteers at appreciation luncheon, Local residents pop tops for Ronald McDonald House, Abner Gillis Jones, Sergeant, U.S. Army, Korean War The Accidental Cook. SweeTees Darlings Angels X-Play Ponytails X-Play Belles Debs. The 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Ozone State Tournament is coming to Andalusia over the next few days. We're just a few minutes away from opening ceremonies at the 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Division II State Tournament. Greenville Mayor Dexter McLendon said, I love baseball and this tournament is good for Greenville and the economy. Maybe you're interested in having your business become one of the latest sponsors for Tuscaloosa Patch? hb```5|@9:Q=CGP,A HNdfebgqlV|N9NNi2> ~,L{4x' +. Blount said this is a busy season for tournament competition. Login. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Email all inquiries to me at ryan.phillips@patch.com. 2021 O-ZONE STATE TOURNAMENT Mobile Municipal (D7 Champs) (revised 6/4/2021) Decatur American (D-1 Champs) Host Andalusia Field WR 2:00pm . 554 0 obj <> endobj `hV$E,"A?4NH0e`bd`|N z Expected to take place in early August 2023 exact dates will be announced later, officials said the World Series Tournament features more than 76 youth baseball teams from 11 states with players ages9 to 12. Children aged 5 and below will be admitted free. District 6 Tournaments April 25, 2022 West District Tournaments-Troy June 16-till East District Tournaments-Wicksburg June 16-till STATE CHAMPIONS 2021 July 16, 2021 State Champions crowned in Enterprise 2021 State Tournaments June 25, 2021 2022 DIXIE SOFTBALL HONOR. About 48 teams and their families are expected to participate in the four-day event, with the winners advancing to the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series Tournament in Laurel, Mississippi, in August, according to the release. HN@#r7{BH!J B/Rp RohG}c;"`M= ?)V!Oesw;[n+#'\:b;:l9G/,iy4<0GpP't[9X '3}vvKCvB#xU QD u{ff,AD~7[,+O,]UkV>`^:NZgpwo. ?>F [I4 i[UJ The 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Ozone State Tournament is coming to Andalusia over the next few days. The tournament is hosted by the Andalusia 12U All-Stars and will be held from Friday, July 9 until Tuesday, July 13 at Johnson Park. Many of the boys on this years team were members of the 9 and 10-year-old team that won the 2019 title. DYB - Premier Recreational Youth Baseball - Community Based - United States of America About Us Resources Franchise Renewal Scholarships Rules & Regulations Child Protection Plan Tournaments DYB Insurance DYB Online Store DYB Newsletter State Websites 2023 World Series Submit League Rosters DYB Online Store DYB Mission Sponsors Affiliates .. %PDF-1.7 % For the sake of transparency, we decided to disclose this information to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest At the same time, I'm also very proud of my Pops and all he does for our community. ALDOR Offers Updated Guidance on Income Tax Filing Extension, COVID-19 temporarily closes McKenzie School. Winners during this 4-day event will advance to the Dixie Youth Baseball World Series in August. AA (7/8 year old) AAA (9/10 year old) This event is scheduled for . 21YS - Dixie Youth Square Logo Flag 4' x 4' Regular price $50 00 $50.00. 5/6 T'ball. The Greenville Parks and Recreation was well prepared for this years tournament, especially with having experience from hosting the 2010 Dixie Majors, 2016 Dixie Debs, and the 2018 Dixie Ozone State Tournaments. Directory Contact us. Tuscaloosa Tourism and Sports and the Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority have announced. Evans has told states if only one league in an age group franchises within a state, it would be the one representing the state in that . Menu. 15Y - Dixie Youth Caps. Instagram @ Dyb_decaturnational. 703 0 obj <>stream %PDF-1.6 % VALLEY Two years ago, a 9 and 10-year-old youth baseball all-star team made the city proud by winning the Alabama state title and advancing to a Dixie Youth World Series tournament in North Carolina, where they won the championship. 693 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7CFC400052931F42A2CF0D54FFF174D4><32D65FE018A0FB4B968242F5F99C4820>]/Index[672 32]/Info 671 0 R/Length 106/Prev 181050/Root 673 0 R/Size 704/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Our community will be placed in the national spotlight, said Jay Logan, PARAs director of community outreach who will serve as tournament chairman, and there will be opportunity for local, state and national businesses, organizations and volunteer groups to be a part of this exciting tournament experience. PARA and TTS staff members made the presentation to the Dixie Youth Baseball National Board of Directors in Laurel, Mississippi earlier this month, which saw the board vote unanimously to award the tournament to Tuscaloosa. Login. Sep 30, 2022. Our community will be placed in the national spotlight and there will be opportunity for local, state and national businesses, organizations and volunteer groups to be a part of this exciting tournament experience," he said. l3]p(b/~Y{}Y"aCp-!^G"!&r n?B 575 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<893A3415DA30A841B592EE3885639B3B><50F38058C37CB04B943A35EA92ADC3FF>]/Index[554 30]/Info 553 0 R/Length 103/Prev 189908/Root 555 0 R/Size 584/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is a fun baseball program for pre-teen youth with an emphasis on fair p Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball )DI*%dMy^W` A total of 21 teams are set to compete in a pair of Dixie Youth Baseball state tournaments beginning Saturday at Woodall Fields inside the Charles E. Taylor Athletic Complex. endstream endobj startxref 402 0 obj <>stream The large-scale tournament also comes in PARA's fifth year of association with Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball. %%EOF For this season, Alabama DYB is allowing leagues to use USSSA bats ("travel ball bats") at their discretion. October 21 - 22, 2023. \Be%mNNZ]Vy*}y,eUs{zm)fh c,Yl[)} V+1*Vje6iL| ^a|S9n$MjQRGdmT,Jy1#Rl^8+WmxE@vVm~FkGq?Vvao>#Xc"SL`(8x!@hO=l*DSNW1Y\1[[SN;40*@y| I.$a,g}j9X]}Z5vP4[^c gQDSTwI(RDE8m> )>S+Z7fk-L~_U(!,*tcw0D@GAVH)vTR:zTJe> 23 talking about this. This is a wonderful opportunity for Tuscaloosa and West Alabama to demonstrate to the nation that we are passionate and serious about youth baseball, said ADYB Deputy State Director Dale Phillips. 54 teams will . hbbd```b``"VH RDl`v> O26!D PARAs success in hosting the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball (ADYB) Division II Tournament in 2021 and 2019 plus the ADYB Rookie State Tournament in 2017 was an important stepping stone to hosting this prestigious world series event," said PARA Executive Director Gary Minor. In a Facebook post announcing the decision, Mississippi Dixie Youth State . Staff Reports; Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021; 0; Facebook . endstream endobj 555 0 obj <. Search. Admission for Friday is $8 for ages 13 and up and $6 for ages 6-12. 6/22: tbd: division ii aa, aaa, "o"zone state tournaments: 6/23: headland: 6u state tournament: 6/23: dothan: division i aa state tournament: 7/6: . 350 0 obj <> endobj 2023 www.tuscaloosanews.com. PARA Executive Director Gary Minor, in announcing the 2023 World Series, said Tuscaloosas prior experience in hosting baseball tournaments in2019 and 2017 helped secure the Dixie Youth event. The 16-team tournament will be played in a double-elimination bracket. To enter or re-enter the complex, a pass/ticket/wristband must be shown. HISTORIC AND CURRENT WORLD SERIES RECORDS. Tennis. 2022 State Champions July 12, 2022 Champions Crowned in Dothan, Congratulations! Educational Programs Available! We are excited to host the event in Bowers Park Sports Complex to further the game and providefamilies a great experience while visiting the Tuscaloosa community, Jay Logan, PARAs director of community outreach, said in a release. oL0CLu*T`w.:GXqD!$-"rx )whbG-yyaCG Mississippi District 6 Director for Dixie Youth Baseball 4 year old T'ball. Events like the Dixie Youth 12-and-Under and Little League World Series already have been canceled, but Dixie Softball remains on track. Alabama Dixie Youth Districts 1 & 11 Maybe you're interested in having your business become one of the latest sponsors for Tuscaloosa Patch? 2022 State Tournaments. Most recently, Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball held its Division II State Tournament in June at Bowers Park, bringing thousands to the area. Winter League Youth Ball (Basketball) Registration from October 1- November 15, 2013 Season begins December 2013 Youth Basketball: Age cutoff prior to September 2 of current year. Wood brings SB113 into law: Strengthens patient rights, LaGrange Police say two-year-old shot self in tragic accident, Jared Elmore starts charity in memory of Bobby G. Elmore. Its pretty much the same group that won the World Series a couple of years ago, said Mayor Leonard Riley. PARA then said its director of community outreach, Jay Logan, will serve as tournament chair. endstream endobj startxref On Monday, the Valley City Council unanimously approved a resolution to provide funding for the July 30 trip. This past weekend the City of Greenville hosted the Dixie Youth Baseball organization State Tournament in Alabama for AAA, which is for players 10 and under. Those who do well could advance to the state meet to be held in Albertville. Aligning with our mission to recruit premier events that drive economic impact, we look forward to welcoming thousands of players and visitors to our great city.. For more information, visittcpara.orgor alabama.dixie.org/site/. 0 Sixteen teams from across the state piled into Greenville on Friday, July 9, for the opening ceremonies. We look forward to presenting the very best in facilities and Southern hospitality.. The 6U team went to Gordon Davis Park [] 6/23/2021 12:26:56 PM . 583 0 obj <>stream We have had some great turnouts, and everything has gone really well this year, he said.